Chapter 15: Eve

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She was ready when they arrived, but she'd have never expected to meet Lara. Seeing her enter after Kurtis, she paled and involuntarily retreated in the chair. She stared for a moment at the imposing female figure, then looked down, unable to bear her gaze, which burned like fire.

"Well." Lara muttered between her teeth. "Indeed, the devil looks after his own."

"That's fitting for you as well, Lara Croft." She just left out without thinking. The flesh could be weak, and the body hurt, but the pride was still intact. She retreated again as she heard the British explorer take a deep breath.

"I promised to cooperate, so I'll cooperate." Lara said, addressing Kurtis. "But if she jabs at me, I'll strike her pretty face, and I'll turn it inside out."

"It'll help a little if you don't provoke her." Kurtis sighed, but then gestured to the woman sitting in the chair. "You heard her. Shut your mouth, you're wounded enough."

Barbara had done her homework. The luggage was ready on the bed and she was fully dressed. She got up, trying to make her movement graceful and elegant, but stumbled and had to cling to the arm of the chair. She still felt weak.

"You carry her." She heard the British woman comment. "I promise not to get jealous. No way I'm touching her, not even with a ten-foot pole."

In one breath, Lara loaded her luggage on her shoulder and left the room without further ado. Leaning on Kurtis, Barbara staggered down the stone stairs to the two bikes. Lara had already installed the luggage on the Norton and was starting the engine.


"I want to see her!"

"You can't, you shouldn't."


"Anna, stop whining. You're not helpful when questioning everything I decide."

The girl kicked the floor and collapsed on the bench, frowning. "It's not fair." She growled low. "I want to see if she's as beautiful as they say..."

Lara snorted. "Yes, beauty is all she's left. Now get out of my way, I've to download this."

Anna got out of her way but insisted. "Why can't I talk to her?" The British explorer rolled her eyes and continued unloading the boxes. She already knew what they contained. Another thing that was well forbidden: firearms. "Mom!"

"You can't see her because she's dangerous, and evil, because she damaged us a lot in the past, including you! When you weren't even born. You can't talk to her because she's fake and twisted, and she'll fill your ears with lies, like her father did before her."

Anna felt very entertaining and stimulating to talk to wicked and dangerous people who filled her ears with lies, but apparently her mother didn't find it so exciting. She kicked the ground again, annoyed. "Dad says she's lost her powers, she's no longer dangerous. She can't hurt us, and she's also agreed to help us catch that loon. And if she tells me lies, the worse, I'm no longer a girl!"

"I don't want you around less than ten meters from that freak. Enough, Anna. To run out of power, to be vulnerable or to cooperate punctually with us simply because" and she brandished her index finger in front of her daughter's face, "it suits her, because her own neck is at risk; taking advantage of our protection now that we're strong; won't absolve her of any of her sins." And she remained focused on her task of downloading arsenal.

After a few seconds, Anna's little voice tried again: "I think Dad has forgiven her."

"How would you know that?" Lara looked at her askance, inquisitively. "Did he tell you?"

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