Chapter 25: Rage

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For a brief time, about a month, things went well. Quietly, improving slowly, but improving. Kurtis' recovery was gradual, progressive, but it was recovery, nevertheless. Ethan turned out to be what they needed: not only a discreet, sincere, respectful and dedicated professional in his work, but eventually, someone with whom they could talk and be at ease. He remained determined not to reside continuously in Croft Manor - nor did he make the slightest gesture or comment about anything that wasn't strictly professional or asked in the first place. No one could ask for more.

Until suddenly, events twisted again, as it came with their damn luck- and it all started with a seemingly futile event, which nevertheless had its intrinsic importance.

Kat appeared bruised.


"What's that?"

Anna's shrill voice made her jump. Quickly, she covered her forearm with the uniform's sleeve. She'd unconsciously raised it to pick up the backpack from the floor. I'm an idiot, thought the young lady Kipling, furious with herself. "It's nothing." She replied, shrugging and hanging her backpack on her back. "C'mon, we're already late for Science."

She stepped forward, but Anna stopped her, grabbing her - delicately, though - by the shoulder. Oh no, Catherine thought. Those eyes. She knew those eyes very well - and that expression. Lately, they were starting to give her the creeps. Although not by themselves.

"Kat." Anna said, very serious. "Show me your arm." At her hesitation, she added quietly. "Please."

Sighing, the girl - no, the lass already - climbed her sleeve and showed her forearm. The skin showed a blue spot in the center, pink on the inside edges and already yellowed on the outsides.

She heard her friend take a deep breath. "Who did that to you?"

"No one. I fell. At home."

"Kat." Anna gasped. "At least don't lie to me. I know you've not fallen anywhere. Please, tell me the truth."

"It's not important." Kat covered the bruise again.

Anna dropped the backpack suddenly. "It is important. Who has it been? Your father? Did your father..."

"No." Kat sighed, and rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand. "You know that my father only beats my mother, not me."

"Until the day he starts beating you as well."

"Leave it, Anna. Please. It's not him." She tried to move forward, but Anna cut her off again. She was breathing heavily.

"If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself." She muttered, altered. "I can do it. I can and I want, and I will."

"Please." Kat's voice trembled. "Please, Annie, I'm begging you. Don't cause me more problems."

Maybe it was because of the diminutive, although in any other context she would have hated it. Anna softened. She dropped her shoulders, dejected. "Causing you problems? Me?" Her voice was sad, almost tearful. She pointed to her forearm. "The problem's already there - and you say that I am the problem?"

Kat shook the golden curls, denying fervently. "Of course not. Only... you already deal with too many things. You've had a very bad time lately. I didn't want to bother you with nonsense."

"It's not nonsense. It matters to me. You're my best friend... you... you're the only friend I have. If someone hurts you, it doesn't help me at all not to know. Doing nothing." She breathed hard again, feeling that rage invaded her. "Tell me who did that to you. Please. Please."

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