No Words

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"Are ya sure this is a good idea?" Feister asked as Katherine helped her get ready for her date, and let's just say there were a lot of bumps, but as of now, things seemed to be on track for once. At least that's what Katherine hoped. . It wasn't easy getting Feister ready for this date since she's...well...difficult. Which is the simplest way Katherine would put it. However, seeing as she's a only child, it was also great to have sisterly time with the news girl. "Trust me on this," Katherine replied with a smile. Feister sighed since there not only wasn't there much else to do, but also she was too nervous to do anything besides worry about this date.

Now, Feister was known for being a tough girl with fire in her eyes, but right now? She was a complete and utter nervous wreck. She had a whole list long full of things that could go wrong, and it seemed something new was added to that list every five seconds. Katherine did her best to help, but it seemed to only make Feister more stressed.

Though Katherine was just being nice, and had many ideas on helping Feister for the night. But to Feister, those ideas were some of the worst she's ever heard, and that's saying a lot seeing as she lives with a bunch of annoying boys. "Feister, trust me on this," Katherine said as she took a step back to look Feister up and down.

"You'se sure?" Feister asked in a unsure tone. 'Cause this don't feel right."

"You're right, this doesn't feel right," Katherine said while biting the corner of her lip.

"Finally!" the small girl exclaimed. "You'se seeing' this my way."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Ok, remember, don't listen ta a word Race says an' you'se gonna do just find," Jack said while patting Mush on the back. It had been a long few days and Mush was just one big nervous mess. In fact, Mush was so nervous he never set a day for the date, so Jack just told Feister that it would be that weekend. While there were a few other bumps in the road, the worst was over...or at least the boys hoped so, otherwise this really would be a date to remember.

"Really think so?" Mush asked nervously.

"I's know so," Race added while clapping (more like slapping) the younger boy on the back. "Sides, you'se messed up who knows how many times with that goil an' -"

"Shut up Race!" all the boys yelled, making Race wrench a bit. Remember how I said there were a few bumps in the road? of those bumps was Race, who isn't the best when it comes to a situation like this.

"You'se gonna do just fine," Kid Blink said lighting up the mood. "Just be yourself, have fun, an' remember, no matter how many stupid things ya do, Feisty will still love ya."

"How is that motivating?" Davey asked slowly with a raised eyebrow.

"Do ya want the long or short story?" all the newsies asked.

"How long is the long story?"

" all started when the three of us," Race gestured to himself, Jack and Specs. "Found a tiny goil gettin' beat up by some thug, at first she was-" Albert clamped his hand over Race's mouth to stop the obviously long story and said, "The lovebirds have been through a lot of stuff." Davey started at the two boys before slowly nodding. Whatever happened it was probably best left a mystery.

"Do ya think I's should wear the lighter one?" Mush asked for the thousandth time that night, which made the other boys groaned because for a good half an hour Mush went on about the pros and cons which shirt he should wear. It was either the pale blue plaid shirt, or the navy blue one.

Some of the boys said the lighter one, others said the navy. Davey said it didn't matter which one because Feister loves Mush no matter what, and Les just picked up some random shirt that didn't even belong to Mush. On top of all that Mush made sure to wash up so good that the dirt, ink stains, and the smells of the city were no more. It wasn't easy, and it took about three hard scrubs, and a cold bucket of soapy water, but in the end, it was worth it.

"Mush, this is Feisty we's tawkin' bout," Race said brushing it off. "She may be a goil, but she's no goil." everyone looked at Race with the most confused look ever. In fact, it was a close second confusion to when the blonde boy tried to pronounce "oyster" (which he still can't say correctly). Race groaned and slapped his face before saying, "Feisty ain't a goil-goil, she's more of a guy goil. She don't care how you'se looks, much less how she looks. She's one of the boys, an'...why're you'se all lookin' at me like that?" Race asked when he noticed all the weird looks he was getting. When Race turned around to see what everyone was looking at, let's just say his eyes went wide.

Mush (just like the other boys) wasn't sure what to think, say, or do. He easily recognized Katherine, but the other girl he didn't recognize. It couldn't be...could it? Was this girl that was standing next to Katherine really Feister? Mush looked over the girl over a few times, and, when he looked into her eyes, his heart started running laps. Because, as soon as he saw the familiar fire that those big brown eyes held, Mush knew that the girl, was Feister. His eyes were glued to her because well...let's just say that Feister looked nothing like the scrappy news girl he's known all his life. Instead of wearing boys clothes she was wearing a skirt!

As in something a girl would wear! Not that Feister couldn't wear skirts, it's just that the last time Mush ever saw her in something a girl would wear was when she was six! And for nine years he's only ever seen her in boy's clothes, but now? Now she looked...he didn't know, all he knew was that he was at a lost for words.

As for Feister, she really did feel like one girl in a million boys because this was the first time she was wearing a skirt in who knows how long. Usually she'd just wear her newsie clothes with her hair tucked up in her cap, but now? Now her hair was out of the braids she always wore, which was wavy and flowed down the middle of her back. A light brown skirt and a white button down shirt that had a round collar, and the sleeves ended just above her elbows. Lastly, to top it all off a small silver heart locket sat perfectly around her neck.

At the moment, Feister felt the same way she did when she first came to the Lodging House. Nervous, scared, and wondering if this was a even a good idea, because a bunch of boys were staring at her with wide eyes, and no one made a single move. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. 

"You were saying, Racetrack," Katherine said with a smirk. She was very pleased that her hard work left the boys speechless. It wasn't easy to get Feister into a skirt, but after while Feister finally relented. Not being able to take the silence anymore Katherine walked up to Mush, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to Feister and said, "Say something."

Mush knew Katherine was right. He couldn't just stand and stare like an idiot. The problem was, he didn't know what to say. "Whatsa matter?" Feister asked quietly. "Cat got yer tongue?" Mush only smiled and let out a small laugh. She was still the same girl he's known his life. "Ya wanna know somethin'?" Mush asked. When Feister didn't answer, Mush then reached forward and brushed a lock of hair and then tucked it behind her ear as he said, "Ya look beautiful."

In a matter of seconds, Feister then started to blush like crazy. She glanced down for a moment to hide her pink cheeks before looking back up. "Thanks," she replied after what felt like a lifetime. "An', you'se look pretty good yourself," Feister said as she fixed his collar.

After that, Mush held out his arm to Feister and said, "May I take ya on a date?" Feister only smiled more as she linked her arm with his and said, "Yes, you'se may." then she leaned up on her toes and placed a quick kiss to Mush's cheek. And Mush may or may not have turned red as a tomato. Feister just smiled and let out the smallest laugh, she still couldn't believe she was going on her first date with the boy she's known her whole life.

With that being said and done they headed towards the stairs. "Have fun you two!" Katherine called out.

"But not too much fun," Race reminded.

"Listen ta what Race said!" Jack yelled.

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