It's Bout Time

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"I's did it," Mush breathed out as he and Kid Blink walked back to the Lodging House. It turns out the thing Blink needed help with was impressing some girl, which Mush was barely help since the only girl on his mind was Feister, and those big brown eyes that could make him melt in a instance. Since Mush's head was up in the clouds, Kid Blink never got the chance to make a move on the cute girl because he was too busy trying to get Mush to focus on the moment. "I's asked 'er out on a date," Mush said for the millionth time that day.

"Bout time ya did," Kid Blink thought. Though, Blink was pretty bitter that he never got to talk to the cute girl, he wasn't about to rain on Mush's parade. After all, Mush has had a huge crush on Feister since the moment he laid eyes on her. Though in the past Mush would always deny his feelings for Feister, Kid Blink knew the truth, kind...ish. You see, Mush would always go on and on about this girl, and while he never gave that many details, Blink knew the girl was Feister.

"Ya know, I's still remember when we's first met," Mush sighed with a love sick smile.

"Ya mean when she yelled at ya when you'se opened yer big mouth?" Kid Blink asked with a raised eyebrow. It was true though, a few words later Mush said something stupid, Feister yelled, they had a small fight and the next day they were best friends.

"She's real somethin' when she gets like that." one of the many things Mush loves about Feister is how cute she is when she gets mad. Not kind of mad when she could soak him, but the kind where she got annoyed. In fact, sometimes he would get her mad on purpose just to annoy her. But he never went too far or he'll be really sorry.

"A real pain in the ear, that's gonna make me deaf one day," Kid Blink grumbled. He had to admit the whole sappy love thing was getting on his nerves a bit, maybe not talking to the cute girl was worth it. If it meant he wouldn't turn into a love sick idiot like Mush, then it had to count for something, right?

"Shut up," Mush said as he slapped Blink upside the head. "Sides, what do you'se knows bout goils."

"Says the guy who was to blind ta see a good thing that was right under his nose for nine years!" Kid Blink shouted, which earned him a weird look from a couple that were walking past them. After that Blink then started walking backwards in front of Mush as he said, "Seriously? How did ya not know Feisty had a huge crush on ya? I's thought you'se knows everythin' bout that goil, an' yet, ya didn't know she had a crush on ya."

"I was young an' dumb," Mush admitted. It was true though. Looking back now he did some pretty stupid stuff when it came to Feister. Like that time he dated Lacey, and everything with Feister went down hill. Let's not there was also other three girls he made the mistake to date, and everything else in between. Those were the days Mush regretted the most, how he ended up hurting Feister more than he knew, and if he could go back in time to tell his younger self that his perfect girl was the first one to ever come into his life, he would.

"Ya got that right!" Kid Blink yelled. "Now, believe me when I's say that goil has liked ya since she was bout eleven, twelve tops, but didn't realize it till she was thirteen an'-"

"Wait, how do ya know all that?" Mush cut off the slightly older boy, who was still walking backwards. "I's 'er best friend an' even I's don't know that much."

"Cause, you'se was a love sick boy. It's been scientifically proven fact that boys become more stupid when a goil is involved," Blink stated in a sure tone while continuing to walk backwards.

"Where dijya learn that?" Mush asked with a confused look.

"From watching you'se an' Feisty for the past nine years," Blink replied deadpanned. He then stopped walking backwards and slung his arm around Mush as he said, "An' this is why ya need ta listen ta yer best friend." Mush then gave Blink a look. "Yer best friend that's a boy," Blink quickly added because let's face it, besides himself, Feister is Mush's other best friend. The three of them are like peas in a pod, with Feister being the wild one, Mush is the calm and sane one, while Kid Blink is the one who's worried for his friends safety. The three of them can cause a lot of trouble. But not as much trouble as the nightmare twins, and no, it isn't Ike and Mike. It's (as Feister likes to say) Blueberry Pie and Tomato Soup. And let's not forget if you add the The Ball of Energy, all hell will break loose in the Lodge.

The two boys were approaching the Lodge as Blink said," Anyways, I's still can't believe ya finally had the guts ta ask 'er out." Kid Blink continued to walk forward when he noticed Mush wasn't next to him anymore. Kid Blink stopped walking and turned around to see Mush had a blank look on his face.  "Hey, you'se ok? Ya look like ya seen a ghost," Kid Blink said as he walked up to Mush.

"I's asked 'er out!" Mush yelled when it finally caught up to his brain what was going on. How did he not think this through? Why is it now just hitting him? What has he gotten himself into? Mush then grabbed Blink by the vest and said, "I's asked 'er out on a date!" while shaking Blink violently

"Ok, first off, lay off the vest," Blink said has he pushed Mush away before dusting off his vest. "Second, why're you'se freakin' out over nothin'?" he asked casually.

"Blink, I's goin' on a date with Feisty! As in just the two of us!" Mush shouted loud enough to be heard from Santa Fe and back. People who were walking past the two newsies were giving Mush some weird looks, but that was the least of Mush's problems. He had asked Feister on a date, and is just realizing it now.

"So, what's the big deal?" Kid Blink asked as if it was nothing. "Yer alone with Feisty all the time, I don't see the-"

"We's goin' on a date! As in somethin' couples do!" Mush yelled before taking off his cap and ran a hand through his hair. Sure, he's been friends with Feister for nine years, and has been alone with her before, but this? This is a whole other story. They were dating now, which may not be so different from before, but this is completely different. It would be the first time they were going out as an official couple, which will probably be the most nerve wracking thing Mush has to go through.

"Whaddya freakin' out about?" Kid Blink asked, while thinking that Mush was overreacting a lot. It wasn't that big of a deal. "You'se been on dates before, what's so different bout this one?"

"The difference is that this is Feisty we's talkin' about. As in the goil I's known for nine years!" Mush replied in a obvious tone.

"Hey, at least ya know what she likes an' doesn't like," Blink said, trying to lighten up the mood. But apparently it didn't help because. Kid Blink knew that it finally happened. Mush had cracked at sixteen, and there was nothing that could fix this nutcase up.

Mush started to pace back and forth while ranting about the date, and Feister, and how this was going to be the scariest thing he's ever going to do, and poor Kid Blink had to watch this all unfold. He just hoped Feister was taking this a lot better than Mush was, otherwise this date would be the worst in the history of dates.

"What's Mush brains ranting about?" Jack asked as he and Race walked up next to Kid Blink, who was watching Mush pace back and forth while ranting about something.

"It finally caught up ta his brain that he's goin' on a date with Feisty," Blink explained as if it was nothing.

"WHAT!" Jack and Race both yelled at the same time. Now, since Jack and Race are 2 out of 3 of the boys who found Feister and brought her to the Lodge way back when, they were very protective of her. In fact, all the boys are, she's their little sister, and they've always been there for her when she wanted to be left alone. So the thought of Feister going on a date was 50, 50.

"Is everyone goin' deaf?!" Kid Blink shouted. "Mush asked Feisty on a date an' now he's freakin' out over nothin'!"

"Alright, calm down, no need for yellin'," Jack said as he tried to process the fact that is Feister going on a date. By this point, Finch, Jojo, Crutchie, Sniper and Romeo had all walked up to the three boys and asked what Mush was freaking out about. Long story short, they all had the same reaction Jack and Race did when they found out.

"On the bright side, he ain't doin' that weird laugh he does when he's nervous," Crutchie said, trying to lighten up the mood. As if on cue, Mush did the weird nervous laugh before ranting about what could go wrong.

"I say we's knock some sense into that thing he calls a head," Sniper said as he punched his fist and began to walk up to Mush. But Finch had grabbed Sniper by the back of his shirt and yanked the smaller boy towards himself. "Why is that yer answer ta everythin'?" Finch asked.

"Why can't one, just one day go by without anythin' happenin'?" Jack grumbled to himself.

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