Chapter 44

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(Words given by the LORD to Donna McDonald, April 20, 2014)

Dear Followers of CHRIST:

One day I asked the LORD how can people who turn to HIM now stack up against people who have been following HIM for 30 years?

Where do these people stand who are brand new Christians with GOD? The LORD then gave me the most amazing answer that truly demonstrates the great heart of GOD.

The LORD told me that if someone turns their life over to HIM and truly surrenders their ALL, repents of their sin, asking for the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT in their life and from that day forward, and continues to move daily toward GOD then they are in right-standing with GOD regardless of their young status as disciples. Ephesians 5:8 (KJV): For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the LORD: walk as children of light:

But on the other hand, if someone who has been following the LORD for 30 years, studying the Bible and then were to turn away back into the darkness, they will be lost despite their 30 years of devotion to GOD. Hebrews 6:6 (KJV): If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the SON of GOD afresh, and put HIM to an open shame.

The new Christian, although lacking in study and knowledge, who surrenders fully to CHRIST, receives Salvation through the Blood of CHRIST is made new and considered righteous in GOD's Eyes.

This is because the new convert has chosen "perfectly" when choosing CHRIST as their Savior and to be in the Will of the FATHER and to be filled daily with the HOLY SPIRIT. And once the individual steps into the Will of the FATHER because he has chosen to, the HOLY SPIRIT will lead that person down the narrow path because the individual is now on GOD's "watch" and CHRIST is then the AUTHOR and FINISHER of the person's eternal outcome.

Praise the LORD—CHRIST's Yoke is easy:

Matthew 11:29 (KJV): Take MY Yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

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