Chapter 28

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(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, December 31, 2013)

My Children this is your GOD:

I want to address you about the near future: The world continues to increase in darkness. The hearts of the people grow shallow—they are walking in lust; cold from lack of love; pierced by the arrows of the enemy who wants to destroy them. Men's hearts are waxing cold. I said this would happen and now the Truth has come to pass.

The people have forgotten how to blush. They are so cold they have no compassion for their neighbors.

My church is the light in a dark world—she follows her GOD closely —she sees the truth while the lost run from the truth and scurries to the darkness out of sight. My church is bold in her testimony of ME.

The lost deny I exist and look for reasons to explain ME away. MY church understands true love and what commitment and longsuffering looks like. MY church is persecuted in this evil worldand the world is an enmity to MY church. She has MY heart and looks like ME. She is not attracted by the ways and desires of a dying world. The world is unclean and abominable to her. She has no interest in absorbing into the ways of a world that has turned its back to GOD. She resists the temptation to conform to a world that follows the on heals of MY enemy. Her eyes have been washed out with eye salve and she has been purified by MY blood, walks in Truth, and exhibits the traits of her GOD: Love; compassion; caring; longsuffering; peace; and joy. Only MY SPIRIT's Power enables her to look like ME in front of a dying world. She has MY SPIRIT in full and her lamp shines brightly. She walks on paths of Light and shines with MY Truth in a deep dark world. She stands out among the wolves in sheep's clothing, the lost, the goats.

This is MY bride—prepared and ready for MY Coming because she is watching and her face is turned toward her GOD. This is what separates her from the world: a heart of pure gold. Carry on MY faithful bride—the world, the skies, these things speak of MY coming even when the hearts of men deny MY Coming is true.

Soon the lost left behind will repent with sadness over the plight they are facing apart from the HOLY SPIRIT removed from the world allowing the man of perdition to step forward and to terrorize mankind. Be ready children—how shall I call you? MY bride or MY left behind lost church? You decide—who do you want to spend eternity with? ME or MY enemy—there is only one choice and this is yours to make. Time is short. Always be prepared for MY coming.



Coordinating Scripture:

Matthew 25:32-33 (KJV): And before HIM shall be gathered all nations: and HE shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And HE shall set the sheep on HIS right Hand, but the goats on the left.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 (KJV): For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only HE WHO now letteth will let, until HE be taken out of the way.8 And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the SPIRIT of HIS Mouth, and shall destroy with the Brightness of HIS Coming:

2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV): 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

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