Fort building 101

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"What do you mean you've never built a pillow fort before?!" (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief.

"That I've never built a pillow fort before," Capper casually remarked, "I honestly don't see what's so shocking about that."

"What kind of sad, sad childhood did you have?"

Capper chuckled lightly, amused by (Y/n)'s reaction. (Y/n) stared at him in disbelief. EVERYONE had built a pillow fort at least once in their life. Well, everyone except Capper apparently. (Y/n) would have to do something about that.

Capper watched as (Y/n) set down her half eaten Poptart walked off. She returned a moment later holding as many pillows and blankets as she could carry. She dropped them in the middle of living room floor before turning around to grab more.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Capper asked.

"We," (Y/n) huffed as she dropped another armful of pillows on the floor, "are going to build a pillow fort."

"Can we finish breakfast first?"

"Fort first, food later."

"Babe at least eat the rest of your-"


Before long (Y/n) had gathered just about every pillow and blanket (plus the occasional box) in the house. Capper stared at the large, soft pile in the middle of the floor. He was curious to see how this would end.

"Okay, now what?"

"Now, we need to rearrange our entire living room."

Capper raised his eyebrows slightly, surprised and mildly concerned by this new development. Regardless, he helped (Y/n) rearrange the furniture into the "best layout for fort building". 
(Y/n) clapped her hands together excitedly and set to work draping blankets over everything. Capper chuckled softly and shook his head, amused by his girlfriend's antics.
Before long a good majority of the living room had been converted into a rather large fort.

The couple took a step back and admired their handiwork. The fort was large enough for the two of them to comfortably move around. A large cardboard box with a peephole served as the entrance. The inside had  been decorated with Christmas lights and the floor was covered in blankets and pillows. (Y/n) had even made a keep out sign and a little flag.

"It's perfect." (Y/n) whispered.

"Now what?" Capper asked.

"Now we grab the flashlights, make popcorn, and stay up all night telling scary stories." (Y/n) declared as she crawled through the entrance.

Capper went to grab the popcorn and  (Y/n) quickly pulled the cardboard flaps closed. (Y/n) giggled to herself as she watched Capper through the peephole. He returned momentarily and set the popcorn down.

"What's the password?" (Y/n) asked as Capper tried to push open the "door".

"Password? What password?"

"The password."

"Since when was there a password?"

"There is always a password."

"Well then, what's the password?"

"I can't just tell you the password, that would defeat the purpose of having a password."


"Sorry sir, that's not the password."

"(Y/n) let me in."

"Sorry sir, I can't let you in unless you tell me the password."

"(Y/n) please."

"Sorry that's not right either."

"The popcorn is getting cold."

There was a pause.

"If you knew the password why didn't you just say so earlier?" (Y/n) asked as she moved away from the door.

"Was that seriously the password?" Capper asked as he crawled into the fort.

"There was no password, I just wanted to mess with you."

Capper tossed a nearby pillow at (Y/n).
(Y/n) laughed and dodged the fluffy projectile.

"So, what do you think about your first ever pillow fort?" (Y/n) asked, still giggling slightly.

"It's very...." Capper paused, "cozy."

Capper laid down and stretched out. (Y/n) snuggled up next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I guess I just have one more question." Capper admitted.

"And what would that be?"

"Can we finish eating breakfast now?"


Sorry for disappearing on you all. This has been sitting in my drafts since July. My life has been pretty busy ever since I started working.

I don't know when the next part will be up, hopefully soon. Once I get some form of a plot worked out updates will be more frequent.

Thanks for hanging in there! Love you guys! ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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