Catching up

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(Y/n) awoke the next morning to the smell of something burning. Alarmed, she quickly slid out of bed and made her way into the hall. From there she followed the smell to the kitchen and found Capper staring forlornly at a pan on the stove. (Y/n) walked to his side and stared at the bubbling black mass in confused silence.

"What happened here?"

"I don't know."

"Why does it look like it's breathing?"

Capper shrugged, "I've stopped asking questions at this point."

(Y/n) laughed a little before turning off the stove and removing the pan from the hot burner. That was when she suggested that they just go out for breakfast. Capper sheepishly agreed and ten minutes later they were sitting in a local diner. They placed their orders and (Y/n) finally asked about the "breakfast alien".

"I was trying to make pancakes," Capper admitted, slightly embarrassed, "I think".

"You think?"

"I thought that it would be fun to surprise you with breakfast. The only problem was that I don't know how to cook. I ended up combining a bunch of things I thought would be in pancakes; eggs, milk, flour, sugar, etc. I poured some of the mixture into the pan and thought that I just has to wait for the bottom to solidify and flip it over." Capper explained.

"So far so good."

"I don't know what I did but the bottom never solidified. Instead of doing what I expected it to do the mixture started bubbling and turning progressively darker in color. What I ended up with was obviously not a pancake."

"Well you did succeed in one thing."

"And what was that?"

"I was definitely surprised."

Capper laughed and (Y/n) smiled a bit. Before much longer their food arrived and the conversation switched directions.

"So what have you been up to lately?" (Y/n) asked.

"Not much," Capper shrugged, "I escaped Klugetown, made some new friends, helped six ponies and a dragon free Canterlot from the Storm King..."

"I'm sorry what was that last one?"

Capper went on to explain how he had been kidnapped by an angry unicorn, almost died on an airship, and used a dragon as a living flamethrower. The entire time (Y/n) listened in amazement. She could hardly believe what she was hearing.


"You knew that the Storm King had been turned to stone."

"No creature told me that you had helped with that!"

"Not directly, Twilight and her friends are the ones responsible for his downfall. All I did was help a little."

"You fought with storm creatures and survived an explosion, that's still incredible."

Capper noticed that some of the other customers were looking in his direction while trying to listen in on the conversation. A couple of Abyssinians at another table were whispering excitedly to one another, occasionally glancing in his direction. He decided that it would be best to change the subject before he attracted too much attention.

"Enough about me, how did you end up in Equestria?"

(Y/n) could tell that he was purposefully changing the subject but they let it slide, they could get the full story later.

"After I left Klugetown the merchants dropped me off in Appleoosa. I had no idea how to get home and whenever I asked for directions back to Abyssinia ponies would give me confused look and tell me that they had never heard of such a place. I traveled around for a little while, trying to find someone who could help me. When I heard that Canterlot had a large library that in turn had a large number of maps I  immediately booked a ticket there. I ended up arriving on the same day as the festival and that's when I bumped into you." She finished.

Capper was quiet for a moment, "I can't believe they dumped you in Appleoosa. They were supposed to take you to another city, not another country."

"It wasn't all bad, if they hadn't left me in Appleoosa I wouldn't have been at the festival in the first place. Besides," (Y/n) lightly touched Capper's hand, "we're together now aren't we?"

Capper nodded.

"Then that's all I need."


Sorry for taking so long, school's back in session and finals are coming up.
I might not be able to update anything for about a week.

Sorry for the odd ending, I wasn't sure how to finish the chapter. 😅

As you might have noticed the reader is a girl now. This is actually pretty important because it will influence some chapters in the future.

Also, I'm still accepting two more chapter requests. Tell me your suggestions and I might make them into a chapter.

Also also, You Can Trust Me has reached over 20k reads, 20k you guys! Thank you so much! For those of you who are not familiar with what You Can Trust Me is it's the first book in my Capper x reader series. If you haven't already read it GO DO THAT IT'S IMPORTANT!


Thanks for reading this!

I love you guys! ♥️

After the Storm: A Capper x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now