Starting from scratch

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(Present day)

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here in Ponyville?" Twilight asked for what must have been the fifteenth time that day. "You don't have to go back to Klugetown. Even if you didn't want to stay in the castle with us I'm sure there would be somepony who would let you stay with them."

Capper smiled politely before glancing back at the Friendship Express. They had had this conversation a couple of times already this week. He understood that his new friends were reluctant to see him go but this was getting ridiculous.

"I'm not going back to Klugetown," Capper explained, "I'm moving to Tabbytown. It's a quiet little place in Abyssinia."

"Well if you're moving anyways why don't you just stay here with us?" Pinkie asked.

Capper stiffled an exasperated sigh. Why was it so difficult for them to let him go?

"There's no talking you out of this, is there?" Rarity asked quietly.

Capper shook his head, "I've been trapped in the same rotten town for three years. Now that I'm a free cat again I'm able to pursue something I've wanted for a long time."

"And what would that be?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I've wanted to find a place where I could settle down and start from scratch. You know, a place I can be happy. Not that I don't think I could live a happy life here," Capper explained quickly before anyone could ask what was wrong with Ponyville, "I just... I want to go home you know?"

Capper rubbed the back of his kneck nervously before continuing, "I haven't seen my home Country since the Storm King's invasion. Again, that was three years ago. I've been given a chance to put my life of crime behind me, you can bet I'm going to take it."

"I guess I can understand that." Twilight admitted.

"You will come visit us though won't you? I mean if you want to that is." Fluttershy inquired.

"We could have a friendship reunion!" Pinkie practically squealed, "We could invite all of our friends! Cheese sandwich could help me plan the party!"

"All of our friends? Pinkie you do realize how many ponies that would be right?" Applejack asked skeptically.

The energetic pink mare nodded furiously whilst squealing excitedly, "All of our friends could be friends with each other!"

Before Applejack could explain the other flaws in Pinkie's plan the train whistle sounded. That was Capper's cue. He picked up the small suitcase containing his few belongings and edged towards the train.

"I would love to stay and talk more but I really have to catch this train." Capper said.

After a quick goodbye and promising Pinkie he would keep in touch Capper finally boarded the train. The door slid shut behind him and he began to search for an empty bench. When he finally found what he was looking for he sat down and tried to ignore the gazes of the ponies around him.

The train didn't have private booths so everyone in the car could see him. There wasn't really anyplace Capper could go without being noticed. Equestrian trains were designed in such a way so that the passengers could easily chat with the ponies in front of, behind, adjacent to, and even on the opposite end of the car to them. This was great for the incredibly social Equestrians, not so great for normally solitary Abyssinians.

Capper didn't like the way everyone would stare at him.  He hadn't told anyone this but that was part of why he didn't want to stay in Equestria. No matter where he went or what he did ponies would watch him. He understood that most of them had never seen an Abyssinian before but it didn't make it any less creepy.

Ignoring the excited whispers around him Capper laid down on the bench and rested his head against the wall. He had a long trip ahead of him and a little sleep would help it pass quickly. After a six hour train ride Capper would have to catch a ferry to Abyssinia. The ferry ride itself would take about four hours. From there he would have to take another three hour train ride to Tabbytown.

That was a total of thirteen hours. The journey would have been much faster on an airship but there weren't any skyports in Equestria. Even if air travel was an option Capper wouldn't have been eager to take it. He hadn't exactly had the best of luck with airships in the past. Capper counted the incidents on his fingers;

Celeano's airship getting attacked by the Storm King's goons, the stolen airship crashing in the desert, Chummer almost getting him killed, being held hostage on Tempest's ship, Celeano's ship being blown up....

It was safe to say that Capper had developed a healthy fear of air travel.

Capper squoze his eyes shut and tried to think of something else. (Y/n) had already found a place to live in Tabbytown, all he had to do was get there. Capper smiled slightly. In thirteen hours he would finally have a place he could happily call home.


I don't know why this chapter books so long to write. This was supposed to be a short chapter what the heck.

Before anyone asks no, I did not make up Tabbytown. It is an actual place in Abyssinia. You can find it on the Storm King's map in the first prequel comic.

But seriously, Tabbytown, how perfect is that?

I'm still out of school but it might be starting back up tomorrow. Then again I don't know if that's set in stone yet.

The next chapter will be more interesting I promise. I hope to get it up very soon. We'll see what happens though. \_(:/)_/

Thanks for reading this!

I love you guys!♥️

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