Rainy day

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(Y/n) awoke to the gentle tapping of rain on her windows. She carefully climbed out of bed and made her way to the window, watching the raindrops slide down the glass. She smiled softly, tracing the watery paths with her finger. There was something relaxing about rainy weather.

(Y/n) sighed softly before turning away from the window. She threw on something comfortable and made her way into the living room. Unsurprisingly, Capper was already awake. He was currently standing in front of a window watching the weather intently.

(Y/n) crept up to him and gently hugged him from behind. Capper chuckled softly before turning his head to kiss (Y/n) on the cheek.

"Good morning to you too (Y/n). How did you sleep?" Capper asked.

"Good, how about you?"

"Fine, I hope the weather isn't bothering you too much."

"The rain?" (Y/n) asked, "why would that bother me?"

"I thought you were scared of rain?" Capper replied, slightly puzzled.

(Y/n) chuckled, "I'm scared of storms, little showers like this don't bother me. It's sweet that you were concerned though."

(Y/n) glanced over at the kitchen, then to the window. "I suppose the question of the morning is do we attempt to make breakfast ourselves or brave the rain and go to the cafe?"

Capper looked out the window dubiously, "I'm not too keen on getting wet at the moment so..."

"Attempt to cook for ourselves?"

"You'll have to supervise so I don't burn the house down."


A couple of minutes later Capper and (Y/n) had successfully managed to make some toast without setting anything on fire. (Y/n) mentally reminded herself to teach Capper some cooking basics later. Now (Y/n) sat on the couch swaddled in a blanket, absently nibbling on a piece of toast.

"Don't tell me you're cold." Capper teased before snuggling up next to her.

"Not anymore" (Y/n) mused.

Capper chuckled and kissed (Y/n) on the nose before pulling her closer to him. (Y/n) rested her head on his chest, smiling slightly. She enjoyed little moments like this. Moments like this one where nothing else seemed to matter.

(Y/n) listened to rhythmic beating of Capper's heart and the gentle tapping of the rain. Together the two sounds were incredibly soothing. If she wasn't careful (Y/n) could easily nod off to sleep. It was a while before she could bring herself to disturb the peaceful scene.

"What would you do on a day like today?" (Y/n) asked Capper quietly.


"Back in Klugetown, what would you do on a day like today?"

"Klugetown is in the middle of the desert, we don't get rain there. I guess if I was stuck inside for one reason or another I'd probably play some solitaire or something like that."

"Do you know any other card games?"

"Quite a few actually."

"Are there any easy ones that you could teach me? Maybe we could play a game together." (Y/n) offered.

"I'd like that... You do realize that we're going to have to get up for that right?"

"Fiiine." (Y/n) groaned.

(Y/n) followed Capper to the table where he pulled out the deck of bicycle cards (Y/n) had given him for Christmas a couple of years ago.

"So what game are we going to play?" (Y/n) asked.

"I figure 52 pick up should be easy enough to learn."

"Great! How do you pl- wait." (Y/n) realized what he was up to mid sentence. "Capper don't you dare."

Capper smiled mischievously before tossing the entire deck of cards into the air. (Y/n) watched as cards scattered around her in every direction. There was a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up."

"You're helping me pick up this mess." (Y/n) stated.

"That's not how the game works." Capper teased.

(Y/n) glared, Capper smiled cheekily in response. (Y/n) sighed in annoyance as she begrudgingly began to pick up the cards.

"Now," (Y/n) set the newly gathered deck on the center of the table, "what are we actually playing?"


After dealing out the cards Capper began to explain the rules of the game. (Y/n) listened closely, trying not to miss anything. After she had a basic understanding of the rules they began to actually play. A few rounds later.  (Y/n) realized that playing cards with Capper in general was a mistake.

"By all means, don't go easy on me"
(Y/n) sighed sarcastically after Capper won his fifth round in a row.

"I wasn't planning on it."

(Y/n) leaned back in her chair and stole a glance out of the window. That was when she realized that she hadn't grabbed the mail yet, looks like she was going to have to brave the weather after all. Normally she would have waited for it to stop raining but today someone had shoved a box halfway into the mailbox instead of putting it on the doorstep like a normal creature. Whatever was in the box probably wasn't supposed to get wet.

(Y/n) got up and walked to the front door with a sigh. Capper looked up, confused as to why she had suddenly left the game.

"Sit tight for a minute," (Y/n) said as she put on her  (f/c) jacket, "I have to go get the mail before the rain ruins it."

(Y/n) opened the door, hesitating for a moment before sprinting outside. She haphazardly pulled the package out of the mailbox, causing some envelopes to fall out in the process. She scrambled to pick them up and in doing so almost dropped the package.
(Y/n) sprinted back to the house before dropping everything on the counter. Capper chuckled in amusement at the scene.

"And what are you laughing at chuckles? You look awfully dry, why don't you give me a hug?"

Capper jumped out of his seat and scrambled away from (Y/n). She smiled and attempted to wrap her arms around him.

"(Y/n) noo!" Capper complained, jumping just out of reach before running across the room.

"I just want to give you a hug!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she gave chase, "Love Mee!"

(Y/n) managed to chase Capper to the door. He fumbled for the door knob, forgetting for a second that it was raining. Capper flung open the door and almost ran outside before he realized he was trapped. (Y/n) tackle hugged him, knocking him outside in the process.

"You should have just let me hug you,"  (Y/n) teased before kissing him on the nose, "then you'd only be a little wet."

(Y/n) helped Capper up before turning her face towards the sky and drinking in the smell of the rain. Now that she was already soaking wet she didn't mind the rain.

"Alright," Capper chuckled after a minute, "let's head back inside before one of us catches a cold".


Oh boy this took so long to write. I was supposed to upload this chapter last month but then life happened.

I'll be honest with you guys, I've been having a hard time writing new parts for this story. I must have written four different renditions of this chapter before settling on this one. I've been trying to write this chapter since May.  It's a little harder now that I have a job and other responsibilities.

I honestly don't know what the future of this story will look like. I might have to put it on the shelf for a little while and work on something else. I do have an idea for another Capper x reader story that I may or may not start working on. I've also considered writing a series of one shots based around some au versions of Capper I've come up with.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Keep an eye out for new stuff.

I love you guys! ♥️

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