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The large man with long, flowing violet hair stepped off his airship and headed inside the massive, modernized building serving as the headquarters for the Sindria Trading Company. He had a particular mission and goal in mind as he wore a smirk, signs of age and maturity formed around his mouth and eyes.

And there she was: his dreams and his loves and the one who helped him make his own Trading Company a widely successful reality.

"Welcome home, Sin." She smiled and gave the man a kiss, holding a magenta-haired one-year-old on her hip.

Sinbad beamed, kissing her again, then placing a gentle kiss on the child's forehead. "This is the most wonderful thing to come home to."

Then suddenly, his golden eyes grew wide and full of terror. He forced a cough and dropped to the ground, clutching his side as he cried out, "My beloved Iris, have you... betrayed me?" He laid on his back, and looked up, reaching up a hand weakly. "After everything we've been through..."

Iris kneeled behind him and confessed, "I've only been after your head since the beginning." Her finger traced his strong jaw tauntingly.

With that, he dramatically dropped his head and closed his eyes, feigning death.

Giggles erupted around him. "You got him Sybil." Iris laughed; even the tiny child in her arms seemed to chuckle.

A six-year-old girl with violet-colored hair and adventurous silver eyes pounced on Sinbad's chest, and he lurched up and grabbed her, ruffling her long hair that matched his own. He laughed with them and said to the little girl, "You'd make a good assassin one day, like your mother."

Sybil flashed a wide white smirk. "No one's better than mama, but I can get close!" She lifted her wooden play sword triumphantly.

"I taught you well." Sinbad filled with pride. He took the girl in his arms and stood. "Soon, you'll come with me on these trips."

"Yay!" She cheered, snuggling close to her father.

He set her down and pulled the younger child from his mother's arms and placed him in the arms of his daughter. "Now, now, your mother and I need to go have a special meeting."

"I wanna go!" Sybil whined. "I wanna go to the special meeting!"

Iris called over a young woman who regularly served as a nanny for the children, not wanting to leave her baby alone with her rambunctious six-year-old. "No, no. It is not a fun meeting. You don't want to go."

"That's offensive." Sinbad huffed with a frown, earning a raised brow and quick glare from Iris as if to scold him.

Nonetheless, he grabbed her and lifted her up in his arms, carrying her away with a greedy smirk. "See you two later!" She called out to her children who watched them with wide and innocent sparkling eyes. "I love you!"

"Mommy and I are going to go make more babies!" He professed much too loudly for his wife to be comfortable.

Her cheeks erupted in a furious blush. "We certainly are not!" She cried, careful not to completely disregard her children's awareness.

"Don't let mommy lie to you!"

Defeated, she dropped her head on Sinbad's shoulder to hide her red face.

"You also need a very special reward for furthering our trade agreement with Balbadd and expanding into new territories while I was gone." He smiled cheekily, speaking only to her. Once they were inside the privacy of their own room, he shut the door and captured her lips just as passionately as he always had. "There may not be any more Kings and Queens, but you, my love, certainly are a magnificent Queen."

She chuckled under her breath. "I did have a great King to work alongside."

"Praise me more." He hummed, beginning to kiss her neck.

"I don't think that's good for your ego." She teased.

"Oh, come on."

Iris pushed him down on the bed. Their games never ended. They were always teasing each other and playing with each other flirtatiously, each trying to one-up each other in the bedroom.

She kissed him as she crawled over him, keeping him pinned beneath her. She bit at his lip seductively, and he released an excited moan, making her grin with satisfaction.

But before she went further she declared, "We are not having any more children."

"Fine, fine." He raised his arms innocently. "I only want you right now, anyway." He smirked and used the opportunity to squeeze her bottom, earning a yelp from the woman.

Sinbad flipped the roles and loomed over her. He pinched her wine-colored hair and brought it to his lips, breathing in her scent that he missed when he was away from her and his children.

"My Queen Iris..." He began in a low voice. "... I love you more than anything."

"I love you, too." She smiled in response.

He hugged her, taking in her entire body, nuzzling himself as close to her as he could. "I don't know if I want to completely ravish you, you beautiful woman, or just lay here and hold you." He muttered.

"Why not both?" She chuckled.

Hegrinned and gave her a short kiss on her lips. "This is why I loveyou."

Fit to be Queen [Sinbad x OC]Where stories live. Discover now