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Will came in the next morning balancing a tray of food for Nico. He set it down and flung open the window above Nico's head. "Rise and shine, Sunshine!" he said cheerily.

Nico groaned and buried his head in his pillow. "Can you keep it down?" he mumbled. Will laughed and shook his head, ruffling his boyfriend's hair. Nico was glad his face was covered by the pillow; he was blushing pinker than a bridal piano rose.

"Breakfast!" said Will, sitting down. "I'm not hungry." Nico's voice was muffled. Will frowned and crossed his arms. "You have to eat."

Nico groaned. "No, I don't. Leave me alone." Will sighed. "Yes, you do." Nico sat up and glared at him. The stand of hair that fell into his face and caused him to sneeze sort of ruined the effect.

"I'm not hungry!"

Nico's stomach growled defiance.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"Leave me alone."

"Eat." Nico glared at Will. "No."

"Now. Doctor's Orders."

Nico was defeated. "fine..." he mumbled, and poked at the food with a fork. He hoped Will would leave so he could throw it out.

Will was satisfied. "Good. You are skin and bones- you need nourishment. You're going to turn into one of your skeletons at this rate." Nico shrugged, the scrambled eggs Will had brought him heavy in his mouth.

"Once you've eaten that, we can go over what is going to happen over the next few days while you're recovering." Great, thought Nico. More orders.

"Let me guess- no summoning the dead, no shadow-travel, and no fighting." Will nodded. "And just to make sure, I have taken your sword. If you obey, you can have it back in a week. Got me?" Nico spluttered. "WHAT!?!?"

Will nodded. "Yep. And until then you have to obey all my orders exactly. I'm sick of you getting yourself hurt!"

Nico opened his mouth to argue and then realized there was no point. He sighed. "Can I go now?" Will studied him skeptically. "If you promise not to do anything stupid." Nico bit his lip.


(sorry about the short chapters. i'd like to promise to do better, but they are probably gonna stay bite-sized. sorry)

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