The emo freak chp 6

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I'm sooo sorry I haven't written in forever so here's chp 6


the emo freak, yep that's what they call me

Chapter 6

Harmony's pov

We pulled up to huge house. It was was yellow and had tall white coloms that reached from the wrap around white porch to the to the balcony on the third floor. It looked kind of like a bed and breakfast. There was a white fence in the back with a tiny white barn and four horses grazeing outside of while someone brushed them.

Cole went first up the steps to the porch expecting me to follow. I felt out of place walking up those pristine white steps. He opened the door walking in then held the door till I caught it.

"hola madre. Estamos en casa" he yelled in Spanish. Crap I don't know Spanish. "estamos?" a sweet motherly voice yelled from the top of the stairs. A woman who looked about 40 with long black hair and tan skin stood there. She smiled down at us showing her white teeth as she decended down to where we were standing. she said something else I didn't understand.

Cole said" Ella no habla español"I wish they would stop but I did love the way it sounded.

" Oh sorry. and who would this be?" she asked as She gesturded toward me with her hand smileing still and then looked at Cole.

"this is Harmony" he said nodding to me and smileing at his mother. Wow she looked a lot like him. She walked over to me and stuck out her hand and I shook it.

"hola! I'm Cole's mom Mrs. Hernandez. But you can just call me Juanita". She said in a heavy Spanish accent.

"hello" I said softly looking at my feet.

"cole! She's so much nicer than that Claire girl! Good choice! But your father-" Cole cut Her off.

"Shes not my girlfriend. We're working on a project." he looked sad for a second. I wonder why. Probably because of his dad. It made me feel out of place. I glanced around for something tolook at other than them.

"Pero como Ella" Juanita said. Ugh. More Spanish.

"No sé" He said looking down and blushing. "let's go upstairs" he said going towhere his mother came from.[A/N. If you want to know what they're saying I'll put it upif someone asks or you can just google it] I followed hinm up the stairs. We went up two flights of stairs till we got to doorthat I guessed was to the third floor. He put his hand on the door knob.

"this is my bedroom." he said opening the door. What?! That place was huge! It had it's own kitchen! And a game room! Wow.

" you have this whole floor to yourself?" I asked surprised. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand nervously. For a second I was caught up by watching his muscles flex.

" uh yea."he answered. "so do u want to get to work?" I nodded " do you want to write a song or use one that someone else wrote? We can do either.

"what about can't wake up by even essence?" I said a soon as the song popped into my head.

" yea that's awsome, I'll play guitar if you play piano." he said gesturing to a room with a grand piano in it. It was beautiful. I nodded in a daze and we got to work. He had an amazing voice. I wanted to cry at all the emotion that came out in it. At 5 o'clock his mom called up to see if I was staying for dinner. I looked at the clock and almost screamed. My mom was going to kill me!

" I've got to go" I said quickly getting up and hitting myknee on the piano. I grunted in pain but ignored it and grabbed my bag.

" wait I'll drive you." grabbing his keys. There was no reason to say no. It would get me home faster. He yelled to his mom that he was taking me home. At least that's what I think he said but I don't know because it was in spanish. We walked out to his car. We drove in silence except for me giveing directions. I was so embarrased for him to see my house.when we got there I jumped out quickly and yelled thanks.

I walked inside quietly hopeing to get past my mom. No such luck. She was sitting in the living room watching tv. She looked up at me as soon as I walked in. " where have you been?" whoreing around somewhere? I saw that nice car drive up. How much did he pay you?" she came over to me and kicked me in the shin really hard. I fell to the ground and she started kicking me in the stomach till I coughed up blood. She laughed and spit on me. " now" she said " clean this up. I'm leaving." she kicked me once more before walking out the door without closeing it.

I sat there for a second before slowly getting up and walking up the stairs and getting the cleaning stuff. I came back down stairs with cleaning supplies and started scrubbing the carpet. The blood to toke awhile to clean but I got it. I want up to my room and took a shower to get the blood off. I finished and dried myself off before getting dressed. I went back to the shower and grabbed my razor. I went to my sink and started cutting. After I had just cut and was watching the blood drip I heard someone yell "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!"

Cole's pov

I went up to my room and laid on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about her! She was so perfect and beautiful. I went over to the piano and touched the keys. Oh my God I'm acting like a girl. I looked at the bench an saw her jacket. Yes I can go bring it to her! I grabbed it and bounded down the stairs and yelled to my madre that I was going to bring her, her jacket in spaish. It was so cute that confused look on her face when she couldn't understand us. I quickly drove to her house remembering her directions. I walked to the opened front door and knocked on the frame. No one came. I walked inside and yelled her name no answer I went up the stairs. Gosh this place was a mess. I saw a room with a light on and walked towards it. I feel like a stalker. I looked inside and saw her back then in the miror I saw her takeing a razor away from her wrist and watching the blood drip. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!" I screamned. She spun her head around with scared eyes.

Hamony's pov

Cole was standing in the doorway. No one has ever walked in on me cutting before. His eyes turned frantic and he came over to me grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my wrist. He pulled me into a hug and talked into my hair" what were you doing?" he whipsered in a careing voice. Shivers went up my spin. I put my head on his chest. Then i knew. I had to tell him, everything


I tried to make this one long

comments please votes please and fans please lol

The emo freak yep that's what they call meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon