the emo freak chp 13

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         I hugged Cole tightly not wanting to let go. He stroked my hair sweetly away from my neck and kissed it softly. "Harmony," Cole said pulling away from me reluctently and looking at me with his soft black eyes. It was the day after we went to the beach, and i had gone to his house after school. We were a block down from my house. We had driven by my house and seen my mother was home.

      " I'm sorry love" he said smileing and kissing my nose " but its almost midnight and my curfew is 11. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow babe." Cole finished before kissing be on the lips for an unmeasurable amount of time."I love you." I said a little out of breath.

      "I love you too" With that he hugged me once and got into his car. When he drove away I walked hesitantley towards my house. My mother was there looking through the window. I stopped in my tracks afraid to move. My mother glared at me with hate filled eyes. I walked hesitantly towards the door I had almost put my hand on the knob when the door swung open and I was pulled ruffly inside.

         " Who were you with you little slut!?" My mom screamed as she closed the door and slapped me across the face. The force of the hit was so huge that I was thrown against the closed door. She got over me while I tried to sit up and she pushed back down, smacking my head on the wood floor. I wanted to scream out in pain but that only gives her satisfaction. She kicked me in the arm and I heard a sickening snap. This time I cried out not able to keep it inside,

      "HA!" she said a smirk apearing on her face " now clean up this mess" she said pointing to the blood on the floor from my head. She walked away leaving me on the floor. I looked at my arm which was starting to bruise.

    I flipped over on my side trying not to touch my arm as i got my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Cole's number as quick as possible.

"Hey baby I just got home whats up?" Cole answered. When I heard his voice I calmed down a little.\

" Cole can you come get me I'm sorry but.."I started to cry as the pain got worse

 " What happened?! He said his voice getting angry" I'm coming now just stay on the phone." I could here the soft purr of his engine as he started the car. " Baby what happened?"

" Its mom...she was really mad. Cole I don't want you to crash get off the phone" I said

"ok I"ll be there in 10 minutees get out of the house" He said then hung up he phone. I got up quickly, watching my arm. I went to the living room and picked up a plastic hanger that was sitting on the floor. I ran outside. and sat on the porch. I had the hanger in my left hand keeping my right arm still. I pushed the hanger agains my leg and broke it in half. The split produced a sharp edge. I pulled it across my wrist quickly as and a trickle of blood went down my wrist I looked at it with a sad smile.

"Harmony?" I looked up to see Cole with a pained expression on his face.


Hello! welll ive taken forever to write well please look up my two friends justaminornothing and taigafantasy they"re new:)

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The emo freak yep that's what they call meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz