Keith Richards #1 (Because The Night Belongs to Lovers)

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Because The Night Belongs to Lovers. (Your P.O.V)

I gritted my teeth hard as my childhood friend kept persuading me to come to a party he was hosting at his house for his band mates and close friends. "It's okay" Mick said flinging his arm around my shoulders. "And what makes you think it is?" I said still unamused. I couldn't believe that I was going to see Keith after what happened on his birthday last year. "Because I think it will be" He grinned and I just stared at him. "Look" I paused and looked at Mick. "It's been a long time and one of your band mates surely hates my guts" I said frustration visible in my voice.
"I know who you're talking about Y/N" Mick said his eyebrow raised. "He happens to be your best friend" I said. "Er- I know" Mick said hesitantly. "You know what?" I bellowed. "About Keith and-" He said his voice not as it usually is. I glared at him as he smiled apologetically and stopped before completing his sentence. "Well you are coming anyway. I know Keith won't mind." He said with his usual flair. I glared at him one last time and hesitantly went away to get ready. If it meant so much for him to me being there, I'll go for him and possibly avoid running into Keith.


"So, what's this party for anyway?" I asked as He drove us to his house. "Our third album is going to be released in some time, Just completed it" He answered. "Way to go Mick! You never told me when you guys started work on your third album." I beamed at him. "Well,that's why I invited you" He said not removing his eyes from the road. "I don't understand" I said even though I knew what he meant. "To catch up, you halfwit" He said jokingly as I smacked his arm. "You've got stronger I see" He laughed as I started laughing too.
"I still remember, You know" He began as he looked at me sideways. "How we used to strum your father's old guitar and how your mom got mad at us for being so loud" He laughed. "Yeah, yeah I remember too" I laughed. It was an impeccable feeling being around him again. I had almost forgotten how his loftiness lifted up my spirits. "We are here" He said still smiling. But I wasn't smiling anymore. Mick obviously saw how I had started looking agitated suddenly and How I was clenching my fists. "Lighten up Y/N, It will be okay" He said placing his hands on my shoulders and smiling reassuringly. I followed him inside and looked around nervously. He wasn't there. Was I relieved or disappointed? I didn't know much anymore honestly. There was so much going inside my head and I was feeling so many things at even the thought of seeing him again that I felt like my heart would explode. There was a storm raging inside me. I could hear Mick laughing and talking to people standing next to me but it sounded like a distant echo. Nothing else mattered, Only him. Suddenly someone called my name and I regained my composure somehow. "Y/N?" A guy standing in front of me called out.
"Brian?" I smiled and hugged him. "Haven't seen you from a long time" He said still smiling. Brian was probably my favourite out of all Mick's friends and band mates. He was generally amazing and was sweet to me when we met for the very first time unlike others. Brian and I talked for a while until a voice which I was dreading or simply waiting to hear greeted Brian. Like I said before, I didn't know anything anymore. For the first time since my embarrassing encounter with him I looked at him. He was handsome as ever, His dark eyes which were full of passion, His full lips, His high cheekbones.. Nothing about him had changed. I kept looking at him until he said bye to Brian to greet others and left. Without even looking at me.
I just stared at him longingly until Mick poked my shoulder. "What?" I said even more agitated than before. "I saw what happened" He said as I folded my arms still staring at Keith who was talking to Bill now.
"What happened?" I asked, my vexation visible. "Keith falling for you again, Just like last year" He said as I wheeled around. "He won't even fucking look at me!" I exclaimed a tad loudly than I wanted to and covered my mouth in alarm. Mick stifled his laughter as I looked at Keith and saw him staring at me. He hurriedly looked away as I glared at Mick. "Talk to him" He said softly.
"But-" I began. "Please" He said and I looked at him, He wasn't laughing anymore.
"You can't be serious, He surely hates me after what happened-" I began but Mick interrupted me again. "Just go" He said as He patted my arm encouragingly and I hesitantly walked towards Keith. His relaxed posture turned tense as He glared at me and I awkwardly stared at him.
"Hi- Hi K-Keith" I stammered as He still glared at me his arms folded. "Hi" He said bitterness evident in his voice. "I- I wanted to talk-" I started mustering up all of the courage left inside me but he interrupted me. "Save it" He muttered as he lit a cigarette and strode away. "Asshole" I muttered as I looked menacingly at his back which was disappearing in the crowd now.
"Any luck?" Mick walked over, His expression hopeful. "No" I said softly and walked away from him. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes and my face was warm from embarrassment. I walked towards the rooftop garden Mick had shown to me when I came to his house last time in dire need of privacy so I could avoid even more embarrassment. As soon as I reached there, I kicked a cobblestone plant pot stand and yelped out in pain as helpless tears fell from my eyes. After a year, I had realised that I actually loved him. I wish I hadn't ignored my feelings and ran away like a coward when He confessed that he loved me, I thought as more tears fell from my eyes. "What are you doing up here?" A familiar voice called out. "None of your damn business Richards" I said coldly as I wiped my tears away. "It seems like it is" He said smartly as He walked over and stood next to me. "What makes you think it is?" I said menacingly as He took a drag on his cigarette. "Seemed like it" He said still staring at me, Not giving away anything infuriating me even more. "Leave" I whispered trying to refrain myself. "Well, You're the one who left last time" He stopped. "Why don't you leave now too?" He finished trying but miserably failing to conceal the vulnerability in his voice. I just stared at him unable to retort back. "Go on" He said composing himself again. "Like you always do" He said turning his back towards me as I kept staring at him still not able to say anything. "Keith I-" I said placing my hand on his shoulder but he jerked it off. "I thought you understood that we were adults and it meant nothing" I said my voice sounding like not my voice anymore. "I did" He said softly his back still turned to me. "Then why? Why did you-" I began but he turned around and I couldn't say anything anymore. I looked at him and He too looked at me intensely. "I thought it was going to be simple too" He walked closer to me. "But you are so special, So bloody special that it just couldn't remain like we had agreed it would" He said as tears streamed down my eyes. I was at loss of words. "And the night I told you I loved you I had hoped that I would find you there in the morning, Not gone like every other time" His eyes had started to glisten as He recalled the time I wished I could..just go back and change...But things aren't as simple as we think they are. "Keith, please" I said still weeping as a tear fell from his eye too. "I- I loved you too but I was afraid."  I said but he remained silent an eerie silence hanging around us. "I still love you" I whispered as I let out a breath. Keith looked at me this time and I looked at him too, with considerable effort. "Y/N" He said finally calling me by my name as I let out another breath. I had missed this. I had missed him. He looked at me longingly as I stepped further and kissed him. He was hesitant at first but soon started kissing me like he used to do. Passionately, Affectionately..Both of us still crying and clinging to each other like it was the end of the world.
"I never stopped loving you, you know?" He said as He pulled away and held me like I would disappear.
"You've always been cheesy" I laughed as I buried my face in his chest and he laughed too, pulling me even more closer.

Longest one I've written yet, I hope it doesn't bore you.

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