Chains: Deux

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I fucked my way up to the top,

This is my show.

I fucked my way up to the top,

Go, baby, go.



The incorporation of lies, facades, disguises, or what ever may be used to avoid being truthful - into someone's daily life is seen in a day by day basis.

We as humans, lie from time to time. Some more frequent than others, but nonetheless we all lie. But in the world we live in nowadays we don't simply lie for the heck of it, no. We lie to survive.

Hence my predicament.

Styles Co. My crown jewel, the empire that arose from the ashes of fear, timidness, and pure lies.

You see, I did exactly what our species has accommodated to. Lying.

I lied to survive. With that in mind, next comes the question that isn't but is a shocker... Am I proud of what I have become? And to be nothing but utterly honest. Yes.

I am beyond proud of myself. No, not just myself, but my enterprise as well. I did what no other in my family has ever done, I bent, twisted, broke, and pulled not just words, but people as well - to fit my own purposes.

I had a reason for all of this, I used to be a push around. I was the one being bent, twisted, pulled, and broken - or so I used to be.

Saying yes to everything only to be liked by few, used to be my main objective. I never dared to say a simple, yet effective, no to anybody in that matter. Well, at least the old Harry used to.

I, the new Harry, simply could give two shits.

Gagging sounds reached my ears, making me come back to reality and see a blond bloke kneeled in front of me sucking me off. What's her name again? Brandy, Britta?

I came. I saw her swallow and slowly get up.

Fucking slut.

I ignored her faltering smile and read her company ID tag.

Styles Co.

Brittany Michelle Dawson


"Cliché.", I thought out loud. Brittany smiled and spoke, "Sir?", I quickly looked at her and dismissed her, "Nothing, that'll be all. You may go back to work Miss Dawson, tell me when the intern from NYU shows up." She nodded and left my office.

As stated earlier,


The owner of a major corporal enterprise has sexual encounters with his secretary.

I huffed in annoyance, what else could make my life more cliché?

Not even five minutes later I heard my door open and in came Brittany, "Sir the intern is here."


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one is Time Lapsed with this one.

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