Chapter 5

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It's been a week working with sir Bradley, it was normal like other boss and secretary thing but he is not the same flirty and annoying one, he's now serious, professional and kind of rude and it's good for him, for us. But what happened last week with the whole punching thing seems to fade but he looks still disturbed every time, I really wanted to know about what happened but I'm afraid to ask so maybe I could also let it go because it is none of my business. 

The meeting in the Philippines has been cancelled and moved in this coming weekend until Monday. It is really been a nice week and probably nice until sir Bradley is still here, Jeremy doesn't talk to me since the whole ride thing with sir Bradley and Jeremy and Leah are now a thing, yes they are dating while me? Still single and who cares. 

"Lorraine!" sir Bradley calls from his office 

"yes sir?" I came into his office and I saw him in his computer with glasses on, he looks so hot with those glasses 

"we're going to Irvine today, prepare the files I asked you yesterday" he simply said as I just stared at him. He really look cute and handsome, I wonder if he has a girlfriend already because that girl would be so lucky and these past days I could totally see he's not that monster and possessive. Oh my goodness, am I starting to like my boss?! no way, like no, ever. 

"you got what I'm saying?" he snapped me out of my thoughts removing his glasses in a very hot way he could possibly do, damn he's turning me half on. 

"ye- yeah- yes sir" I stuttered, geez it's embarrassing, "tell Leah, Wendy and Jason to come at my office, they will be coming with us, prepare yourself we'll be leaving at 9" he said as I nod. I went out of the office and walked towards Leah, 

"sir Bradley wants to talk to you and please tell Jason and Wendy" I said as I get back to my cabin to prepare the files he asked me and my bag, ready to leave. 

"hey Lorraine" Wendy came into me once they left sir Bradley's office, this girl I think is pissing me, she's annoying and a bitch. I hate her, I bet she already screwed every man in this building except my sir Bradley, MY... I have seen her and sir Bradley sometimes, flirting like craving for each other and it annoys me and it looks irritating as fuck. I sounded jealous but no I'm not, I don't know I can't even admit it to myself, I needed an expert advice. Leah. 

"Lorraine let's go" sir Bradley went out of his office as I walked beside him he's like 6'1 and I'm only like 5'6, he's really that tall huh. Leah, Wendy and Jason on our back following us, I could see the look of Wendy from the corner of my eyes, she really like sir Bradley, what a bitch. I'm pretty sure sir Bradley doesn't like her so. 

We were on the car and Jason is the one who is driving and Leah is in the front seat while from the left are Wendy, me and Sir Bradley, I'm in the middle and thank goodness I'm still sitting next to sir Bradley as I look at the rear mirror and Leah winked at me and I just shook my head and Wendy rolled her eyes, I don't know why, maybe they also notice that I like sir Bradley but to myself? I really don't know.

 "what time we get there?" Leah break the silence, "an hour from now I guess, if there is no traffic though" Jason answered, and another awkward silence moment went through. I yawned and gazing myself to sleep, I haven't got fully sleep last night because of sir Bradley's works asked me. 

"I love you more than you could imagine it baby" I said leaning to him "I love you too, to the moon and back even bigger" he said tucking piece of my hair behind my ear, I ran my fingers on his hair, I love this moment just us, the weather was fine, the breeze of the air was warm perfect for us, we lean close to each other as I closed my eyes and few millimeters away and our lips-

"Lorraine!!! Wake up!!!" I heard Wendy poking my cheek to wake up. I fluttered my eyes open, it was just a dream, but it was perfect I wonder who is that man in my dream... gosh. I fully opened my eyes and the sight is diagonal. 

I tilted my head and I fell asleep in sir Bradley's shoulder I looked at him shyly "sorry..." I bit my bottom lip and he let out a chuckle 

"you slept deeply" he said with his husky sexy voice 

"yeah, I'm, again, sorry" I let out a nervous laugh as I face him, he's like the man in my dream, oh please oh my goodness. I sat straight with my back as Leah looked at me with a graceful look, 

"where are we?" I asks looking at the window in the side of Wendy 

"we're still on the road" sir Bradley replied I looked at him and slightly smiled "you could sleep again if you want to" he joked as I rolled my eyes and start playing with my phone 

It's been an hour and half and we're still in the road, Leah here is trying to crack jokes but sir Bradley here is a bit of philosophical making us laugh especially Wendy, trying to catch sir Bradley's attention but fails every time. 

"we there yet?" I asked, "you have to stop asking if we are there yet we will inform you don't worry..." sir Bradley sarcastically said 

"well, you should" I said sarcastically. 

"you know hun, sleep back, it's kinda traffic here..." Leah winked at me, 

"continue your dreams" Leah laughed as I playfully poked her head and laugh, 

"a nightmare to be exact" I laughed as we pulled over

"are we there?" I asks "no, we have to pull over for gas and there's 7/11 there..." Jason replied as he went out, 

"I'm hungry" I said pushing Wendy out, "watch it bitch" Wendy grumbled as I continue pushing her.

"you're hungry eh?" sir Bradley asked as I face him with my body and head "come" he said as he went out and opened the door for me as I looked at Wendy and she rolled her eyes, "you know I'm kinda hungry too" Leah went out as well. 

We get inside of the store and bought some food, "I thought you're hungry, why you didn't buy some yours?" I asks mouthing the hotdog I bought, "I never said I'm hungry" he simply said and I just looked at him and rolled my eyes, "well then why you pull me here?" I raise my brows on him "because you said you're hungry" he smiled and walked towards the car "let's go! We'll be late you two!!!" Leah yelled from the car as the windows rolled down. 

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