Chapter 4

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At exactly 4:28 pm, Ifinished my work that has needed to be done by 6 pm. I did not waste any minuteI get into my boss' office and slammed the folders on his desk, I did not evenbother to knock though. 

"by the way sir, the GTC replied and they are willingto talk to you, they wanted to happen the meeting as soon as possible..." I saidlooking at the folders in my hand, 

"well then arrange a meeting for us" he saidas he looked at his computer

"Monday, 3pm, that's the only time you're freefor this coming week..." I said as he laid his back on his comfy chair to faceme. "Monday, 3 pm" he said as I nod, "yes sir" I nod. 

"how about after thatMonday? What are the upcoming meetings of me?" he asks 

"you have 3-day meeting in Manila, Philippines sir, with RK Franchise, Inc. and otheradvertising company in Europe and other parts of Asia." I explained looking atmy folders and I could tell he is just listening to me. 

"you are coming with meright?" he asks making me look at him and pursed my lips 

"I mean, you're mysecretary you know, you should come with me" He said making my look on himnarrowed 

"your sister, ms. Shirley, supposed to be the one who will come tothat meeting but unfortunately she's now in the New York and she said thiscould be the start of your career in this business..." I said looking back to myfolder he looked at me with a different look and it is so hard to read, he's ahard to read person

"and as your secretary, of course I will come... it'sPhilippines, I have never been there... and along with the editor and the head ofmarketing they will come with you sir." I said giving him a small smile 

"that's all" I saidturning my back to leave. Well that's the first time he became professional inthis work, he is a fast learner, it looks great. I get back to my cabin andjust play with my computer, I'm done with my work though I have to stay until 8pm in the office. 

"Ms. Clavinely!" I heard my boss ask for my name so I stoodup and peaked through his door's office "yes sir?", "can you help me fix this thing?"he said with the folders disorderly stacked in the shelves and drawers withsome paper on the floors.

I saw the only gray folder on the floor near the vaseof the coffee table with some papers outside on it, it's the company records,that should have been taken really care of. 

"what happened here?" I ask while stacking the folders as I kneel on the floor 

"Ijust wanted to get the paper in between of the heavy large stacks of papers andfolders." He said 

"you should've orderly did that, not forcing to pull thepaper, it could have been torn in pieces" I said softly continue picking thepapers and folders, he kneeled right in front of me to help me so I let him

"here... it's now in order... now put back these folders on its place." I saidwithout looking at him. He gets the folders on my hand and I quickly pulled myhand away and he chuckled. Oh that chuckle, ugh. I walked over to the remaining foldersin chaotic and it's the gray one. I carefully fixed and ordered it as I facehim, 

"this is the company's some records, this supposed to be taken care reallycarefully and nicely, and securely" I said as I hand him the folder. I'm a niceone right now, I have no time to be the bitch one besides he's actingprofessional now so I guess I should too. 

"uhm, Lorraine..." he stops me before Icould leave his office "yes sir?" I slightly smiled and I looked at himstraight in the eyes. 

I don't know why but every time I looked at him I had these feelingsthat I should not feeling, like the butterflies in my stomach, I don't evenknow how that stupid butterflies get into my stomach, as if I ate caterpillarsbut no, and my heart? It pumps like an elephants running on the ground and likean earthquake. He walked closer to me and okay, my heart thumping hard again! 

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