2: Meet the Bat family.

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Ashley warily looked at her older brother, his dark blue eyes were only a shade different from hers. She leaned back against the wall, but she was still on her guard, how could she not be with someone she barley knew?
The tension she felt building in her body eased a bit as he smiled at her "Sis, you realize you'll have to trust me a lot right now?" Ashley nodded, as stepped off the wall,he set a gentle hand on her back. She tried not to flinch. Ashley hadn't spoken much, keeping to herself for the entire night, holding her arms against her body as one last line of defense. Dick had told her the story, how her birth had been complicated, and she had been pronounced dead.

Ashley swore silently, hoping that I she tried hard enough she could get out of this alive, two great doors swung inward, breaking her concentration on an escape. A man sat in a huge oak desk, his back to them, boys, two older, one younger, stared to her ominously as she stepped in. She had not worn a mask, so neither had they, it was a truce of sorts. "The blood tests came back," the man, Bruce, said slowly "You are indeed related." Ashley suppressed a grin, she had known it, the eyes were a dead giveaway, they were identical, down to the green in the center. "Arrangement must be made for you to stay here, and for your identity to be protected." Ashley nodded, and the man named Bruce stood, and walked towards her, squeezing her shoulder on the way by "Welcome, I'll return with Alfred, who will help you get settled." Just like that, they'd accepted her, and just like that she had a family.

The oldest one, with a white streak stormed out, and she heard him say something sharply, before storming down the hall. The two other boys approached her slowly, Red Robin, and Robin, or Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. The funny thing was that Ashley already knew them, she wasn't dumb, in fact as the shadow, she knew more secrets then most of her dangerous counterparts. The youngest one gave her one sour look over, then nodded stiffly "Nice knives." Before walking off. She smiled up at the middle one, and held out a hand, "Ashley," he turned pink, "Oh, uhm, I'm Tim"

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