Both you and Diego exit the car, him leaning against the drivers door and you standing in front of him, hugging each other. "I'll watch over him for you (Y/n). If he does anything I'll call you." He kisses your hair.

"Thank you D. I really appreciate you guys doing this for me again. I'm- I just don't want Milo hating him for what he's doing." You begin to tear up.

"Don't stress, we're family. We'd do anything for you and Milo." Diego hugged you once more before the two of you said your goodbyes.

"C'mon mom! I want that cocoa!"



Klaus woke up, his vision disorientated and head killing him. He sat up trying to looking down at his hands and then around the room noticing three figures.

"Your awake. Finally, now I can beat your ass." One growled scaring Klaus

"Diego no... I'm gonna do that first" his heart rate calmed at the first half of the sentence before spiking up and frantically looking at the third figure. A woman. Grace.

"Both of you leave if your going to behave like children." She looked at the two men with a side eye before smiling at Klaus.

"Hey Klaus, how are you feeling?" Grace passed him a glass of water with some pills.

"I feel like shit. I didn't expect that drug to knock me off my feet." He answered honestly knocking back the water and pills. His vision cleared noticing his brothers gazes. They were visibly furious.

"Where's (Y/n) and Milo?" Klaus rubbed at his eyes, throwing the covers of his body before tying to stand and successfully brushing himself off with a smile. Those pills were really effective.

"They're with Vanya at her place." Five walked in with a strong look.

"What were you thinking taking that drug? Are you insane! Grace had analysed it! Do you know what she said! You could have been paralysed permanently Klaus!" Five began his rant being cut off by Diego.

"Whilst you slept, for hours Klaus, hours. (Y/n) sat on the end of the bed crying her eyes out. If it wasn't for Milo being here I don't think she would have lasted long. She's distraught Klaus. You need to change man." He spoke sadly remembering the state you were in.

"Wait. How long have I been out?" His actions began to dawn on him.

"A week." Luther grunted, arms crossed.

"A WEEK?!" Klaus raised his voice is shock.

"Yeah. A week. A whole week of having to get Milo away from seeing you like- like that. Do you know when you came in the first night he cried thinking you were dead." Luther carried on.

Klaus's heart broke hearing about his son. How he must have felt. If only he had knew. He needed to change.

"Do you remember what you told her. When you said you would change for the better? How you would do anything to be with her? Your breaking those promises and she's breaking because of the amount of trust she puts into you Klaus." Five shook his head.

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