Late night summoning Pt.1

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Ben Hargreeves X Reader

Description: Summoning demon's isn't as hard as they said it would be...

⚠️ Ben is not how he is written in the comics or Netflix series!!!

2:34 AM

"This isn't as hard as I thought it would be..." (Y/n) mumbled to herself. The summoning circle had been drawn with chalk and the goats blood she had gotten surprisingly easy from the sketchy Latvian dude across the hall as well as the peanut-butter and marshmallow sandwich that had been placed next to the center of the star were all in place.

She began her summoning from the book she had gotten from her great aunt Skyla before her death, it had been in a language she could barely piece together but immediately knew that the page with the devil horn and summoning circle meant demons.

Purple smoke exploded into the air from the star, a shrill scream and then silence. (Y/n) coughed moving onto her back, wafting the smoke away from her, a figure stood in the purple fog, tall and slender almost lanky but the most prominent thing was the horns and a long forked tail.

"Well, This place is tiny! Skyla I didn't realise that you moved!" The voice of the demon was deep, pleasuring and sensual. (Y/n) gasped as it spoke.

"Sky- You're not Skyla?" The demon had walked towards her as the smoke cleared and bent down to face right in front of her. (Y/n) had been glued to the floor, eyes trained on the demon as it grinned slightly.

"H-how do you know Skyla?" She managed to squeak out.

"She was one of my closest masters." The horned devil smiled. It's sharp k-nines coming into view.

"And how did you, young dame find this book?" The demon questioned back standing straight.

"Skyla was my great aunt. She gave me this book before she died." (Y/n) replied as bravely as she could and stood up from the floor.

"So that was Skyla who I saw in the Que to the DQ down in hell! I just thought the woman looked like her a little, no wonder she called my name!" He spoke with his hand stroking his chin.

"Well, I may as well introduce myself. I am Mr. Hell. But please, call me Ben. It's easier. How may I service you master." He bowed deeply before standing straight up once again.

"I- uhh... I didn't expect it to work... I- I don't need any services..." (Y/n) stuttered out slowly. She began to back away from 'Ben' in return he only walked closer towards her.

With a small thud (Y/n) landed herself in between a wall and Ben. It was the worst decision she had made in her life.

Ben's eyes burnt holes in her skin, a sticky feeling bubbling in her body. "You know... with a better look you are... ravishing." He placed his lips close to her ear whispering seductively.

(Y/n) gulped nervously, sweating at the closeness of 'Ben' who in turn looked moderately amused by the young woman.

"Mr. Hell- Ben-" (Y/n) began. "I'm sorry for this but I just wanted to see if it'd work... I didn't know I'd summon the devil himself." She pushed at Ben's chest creating space for her to move.

"it's past midnight and I'd like to get so- some sleep... if you- if you could leave that would be great." (Y/n)'s clammy hands gripped each other as if she was praying for the demon to leave.

"I'm sorry love but that isn't how the contract works. Unless you're content with my work, I ain't going nowhere." He folded his arms.

"Bu-but." (Y/n) stuttered in disbelief.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to play with black magic? did you not read the terms and agreements in the book?" Ben looked genuinely confused at the woman's behaviour. She was weird. A little dopey but overall cute in every other aspect. His hand twitched, the book flying into her palms

"No?" She chuckled awkwardly looking down at the book to see in tiny font 'the contract will be completed once the master is content with the work of the devil.'

"Well, just so you know since you don't know what to do with me I'll have to stay here. Where's the spare bedroom?" He flicked his hair back racking through it with his fingers.

"I live in a one bedroom apartment. I don't have a spare bedroom." Ben face palmed at this.

"We'll be sleeping in the same bed then little love. I hate couches." He smiled a little at the mortified look on (Y/n)'s face. "Oh and-" He snapped his fingers his devil features disappearing giving him a softer more human look.

"I'll be everywhere you go (Y/n)."

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