CHAPTER 19: I Know That Look

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I woke up with a really bad headache and pounding in my head.

I rolled over to see if Wade was here like he said he would be and in fact, I thought he came back early last night!?

I don't remember too much about last night but enough to know I had thought he helped me into this room.

Then while trying to sit up, I feel a breeze and look down and notice I have nothing on. What the hell happened last night?

I guess I had too much to drink last night or something because I was upset that Wade wasn't there. I wonder where he could be at now though.

So I try and message him and notice I don't have any messages from him this morning. An hour goes by and it looks as though he isn't replying. So maybe he's still sleeping in and probably got a room or something cause he lost the room key and didn't want to wake me.

So I quickly take some Aleve and then a shower before getting dressed and start making my way out to meet up with Levi and them for breakfast. While walking towards the table where I see Levi, Neil, their parents and Wade, I feel relieved to see he's okay.

"Good morning beautiful." Levi greets me with a smile and a kiss on the cheek as well as a hug as does Neil too before I sit down and look at Wade who seems to be picking at his food.

"Good morning." I tell him.

"Morning." He mumbles and then takes a few more bites and drinks some more coffee before excusing himself.

I wonder what that was about?! I guess I can find out later.

Levi and Neil wanted to take me, Wade, their parents and grandparents put for a nice day at the cute local shops but Wade said he'd meet up with us later for drinks.

We had a good time and I had bought a few things also but I couldn't stop thinking about Wade and why he seemed to be upset with me. I don't know what I did but I think I had better find out.

So when we returned, I headed back towards my room to get ready to go out for a few drinks with Levi, Neil, Wade and a few of his cousins but I stopped when I saw Wade walking down the hallway.

"Hey! Wade!" I call out to him and start to jog up to him seeing as to how he doesn't stop to look at me or anything. That is until I touch his shoulder and he turns to finally look at me.

"What?" He says.

"I just wanted to see if everything was okay." I tell him.

"Yeah." He says.

"Okay then why are you trying to avoid me? Did I do something?" I ask. "And I thought you were gonna be there this morning when I woke up." I smiled at him.

"Yeah well, I ain't into playing games or whatever you want to call it!" He says.

"What are you talking about? I haven't played any games with you. Why are you saying that?" I ask confused.

"Figures. You're gonna play that whole innocent card til the very end aren't you?" He asks.

"What the hell are you talking about, seriously?!" I ask.

"I'm talking about how I did show up early this morning only to find you naked asleep in bed moments later after seeing Timothy walking down the hallway with a huge grin on his face while looking at me as he turns the corner towards his room! So do me a favor, don't try and tell me otherwise or even that you were too drunk to remember because there's no excuse for what you did." He tells me.

Then before I could say anything else, he stomped away towards his room.

Meanwhile, I remained standing there a few moments later trying to think about what the hell he's talking about. I try really hard to try to remember what happened last night, but not much comes to mind.

However, I know that Timothy had something to do with this. That asshole. You know what? No more. I'm tired of this shit.

So I begin making my way towards the pool area where I had heard from one of Neil's family members I passed by had said they were at and walked right out there, not caring who was there.


I was shaking I was so pissed off and then suddenly realized as I looked around while trying to calm myself down that everybody, even other guests we didn't know were looking at me. That was the moment I realized I had just fucked up. He was going to kill me.

I turn and dare to look over my shoulder back at Timothy who I see is glaring at me with an evil grin that was telling me I was gonna pay for that.

In a way, I wish that Levi and Neil were here and I would tell them. In fact, I'm gonna do that later tonight. Since they are having some 'alone' time in their room right now.

I quickly make my way back towards my room and lock the door then sit on the bed in fear. I next close the curtains to the back patio and make sure the door is locked.

What the hell did I just now do? Oh god. I'm so dead. 'Stupid Racine!' I say to myself.

I didn't want to leave my room tonight but then again, I needed to talk with Levi and Neil and when I saw them while we were on our way towards the bar, it seemed like they already started drinking before we left and I can't tell them while they're drunk. Which means I have to wait in the morning when they're sober.

We arrive at the bar and I start looking around for Wade but don't see him and then I look for Amber and Timothy but don't see them yet which helps me relax for a moment. At least, that is until I do eventually see Wade and he's dancing on the dance floor with some chick.

I try and tough it out and ignore him and pretend it doesn't make me feel hurt or jealous but it does and I can't deal with this right now. So I tell Levi and Neil I was feeling really tired and wanted to sleep but that I would see them tomorrow. They wished me a 'goodnight' and went back to dancing as I headed out.

I was making sure I didn't drink so I could make sure I didn't end up the way I did last night. Which wait, could Timothy have raped me?

I started feeling really sick to my stomach at the thought and started to cry as I made my way into my room where I was greeted by a very pissed off Timothy.

I have seen this look before and never did things end well.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
I posted 3 today because I thought I'd give you all an extra chapter for being so amazing and great!! :);)

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