CHAPTER 18: What Happened?

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I had gotten a call from my dad wanting to go over important things about the company and swore to me that it couldn't wait. So unfortunately, I had to leave Racine but swore to her I would be back in the morning.

I missed her though, the moment I closed even the door to her room.

When I finally arrived at the head office for our company and walked into my dad's office, I right away got to the point because I wanted to hurry and return to Racine.

"Son?!" My dad smiles as he stands to greet me but I stop him.

"Let's just get this over with." I tell him as I take a seat across from him at his desk.

"Alright. There's been an issue with some of the staff. Apparently one of our pilot's drove drunk and nearly crashed the plane causing us a major and VERY expensive lawsuit, not to mention one of our male attendants, joined the mile high club the other day on one of the flights with the door opened and there are many phone calls as you can imagine for that one as well." He explains.

"I told you you should have done more thorough backgrounds and more training, not to mention, you shouldn't have hired your friend's family members or kids. They don't care about this company, except for me." I point out to him.

"Yeah well, it's all been done now. I did have both of them fired and everything." He says.

"Good. So is that it? Was that the BIG 'IMPORTANT' meeting you just HAD to have me fly here for in person to hear?" I ask irritated.

"Not entirely. I hear you have found a girl in the Bahamas recently." He mentions.

How the hell did he know?

"Yeah. She's great." I tell him although it's none of his business.

"I also hear she's middle class." He says with a cocked eyebrow.

"You are unbelievable. I don't know where you get the right to get in my business and I know what you're thinking but I don't give a shit. I love the fact she doesn't have much money cause CLEARLY, it can turn some into monsters." I say the last part while looking at him.

"You watch yourself." He says.

"Dad, I'm not doing this. Not now, NOT ever. And whoever I decide to be with is MY business NOT yours. Also, whoever you have giving you this information, you better make them stop before I do it." I tell him and then grab my bag and start to leave when he stops me.

"Wait!" He calls out to me.

I stop and turn around to look at him again and let out a breath of frustration.

"What?!" I ask.

"Before you leave, I just want to remind you that I'll be retiring soon and that if you want this company, I suggest you play by the rules. You know you have a reputation you must uphold. And this girl you're with, she'll demolish it. So I suggest you wise the hell up and do what I told you to and what we had agreed on in the beginning." He tells me.

I don't reply. Instead, I turn back and stomp my way out of the office. Not only did he waste my time and take me away from Racine but he also has the audacity to remind me about the supposed agreement?! I could seriously give two shits about that. Racine has become something as important as Moira was and how Levi and Neil are to me that all I care about right now is her and seeing where this thing goes.

I try to get my mind off of it and when I finally land back onto the island and make my way back towards the resort, I can't help but feel really tired and can't wait to crawl into bed and hold Racine again.

Now, I will be arriving a few hours sooner than I had told her but thankfully I have a key and this way I can get some sleep on top of surprising her when she wakes up.

After getting out of the car that got me from the airport I started heading down to her room and I stop when I notice Timothy come walking down the hallway with a smile on his face and his hair all messed up along with his clothes not neatly put on. He looks at me and grins real big before turning the corner to head down towards where I'm assuming his and Amber's room is located.

He's so pathetic. I think to myself. Plus, why would he be down this hallway? Oh well, who the hell cares. I'm too tired to deal with him or think about anything he does.

I get to Racine's door and slowly begin to open it up so that I don't wake her up but I stop halfway in the room when I see she's naked and is asleep. Then I took a big sniff of the air and smelled the same cologne that that bitch ass Timothy always wears.

Oh my god. Did they sleep together? Was she drunk? Did they get back together? Holy shit why am I still standing here? I've been such an idiot. I feel so many things right now at once but mostly betrayed and worst of all, hurt. How could she do this? I thought.....You know what? No, it doesn't matter what I thought.

In fact, I'm glad this all happened now before I became too attached and invested in this. She is no different than those other girls who use me for not just money but to fuck with my emotions by playing a damn sob story victim when in reality, I bet nothing really happened between her and Timothy. Come to think of it, what happened on the boat that day?

I start to leave and get another room because I don't see any of this shit getting better anytime soon. I swear this was a mistake and something I swore a long time ago I would never allow to happen again.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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