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Athena Elle Carter

New Years had passed, Valentine's Day had passed and so had Easter. When I tell you everything was going swimmingly well, it really was. Haze was and is being the amazing little baby he is and Shawn is being the upmost caring and loving human ever. Let's just say the only thing we argued about was who was Haze's godparents, in which we decided it would be Erica and Lucas and they were thrilled.

Erica even came over with Faye a few weeks back which was lovely. We caught up on everything whilst Shawn and Lucas took the babies out in the strollers. We also talked about the collab with Yvette which would be for next year or whenever I'm ready, I told her I wanted to bond with Haze as much as I could which she took well.

Right now it's mid June. I was sat on the floor in a room backstage with Haze as we watched Shawn perform on the screen for the first time in a while. He was performing one of his classics In My Blood on the Ellen show which was chosen by his fans since he hadn't performed in while.

Haze giggles clapping his hands as Shawn hits a high note leaving both me and Haze impressed. He looks back at me with his gorgeous eyes, his tiny hands go flat on the carpet and he crawls over fairly quickly. My seven month old baby was growing up so quick and it scared me completely.

"He's so good huh love?" I pick him up. "Dada" he claps. He wasn't saying anything remotely close to Mummy leaving Shawn to believe that haze loved him more, which I can say is not true. I mean I carried him for nine months.

"You're going to be talented too, just like daddy" I tell Haze kissing his chubby cheek. He starts wiggling about so I put him down, supporting his waist as he stands up. His smile wide as I grin at him.

"Daddy's coming soon" I bop his nose. Haze bends his knees bopping slightly making me laugh. "I love you so much hazey baby" I pull him in kissing his face all over resulting in him to erupt into a fit of giggle making my heart happy.

"Hazey!" Shawn exclaims, slightly out of breath. Haze pops up like a meerkat at the sound of Shawn's voice. I let go of him and he waddled over to Shawn who sweeps him up, holding him up in the air then bringing him down to kiss his nose so adorably.

"I just showered him before we got here so don't hug him" I warn a very sweaty Shawn but he ignores me holding Haze to his side. Haze's small hands clutching on to Shawn's chain and he starts babbling away.

"Not gonna give me a kiss?" Shawn looks down at me. I put my hand out to him and he takes it helping me up. "I will now" I lean into him pressing my lips against his, my heels making me a smidge taller.

"You did amazing, me and haze couldn't stop watching" I tell him, my eyes stuck on his. He gave me a flirty look, his honey eyes looking me up and down. I was wearing a red summer dress and white heels which he told me to wear.

We had also been very sexually actively which was nice and making us more intimate like we used to be. Obviously it was to a minimum since Haze was with us all the time and sometimes I'd want Haze to sleep with us just to be close to him.

"I was so nervous but once I got out there and they were singing with me it was I good, felt like home- I mean home is home, like Canada, our home- you're home to me and so is Haze-"

"I get it" I chuckle bringing my hand to the back of his neck but I quickly move it feeling his sweaty hair. "Go shower so I can hold you properly" I tell him.

"Fine, we're going to out to after. I'll be quick" he hands me Haze and rushes off. I sit down with Haze and he starts babbling away playing with my rings.

"Look at Daddy, he's such a rockstar" I talk to Haze. Both of us watching Shawn as he took pictures outside the cafe we were at. Haze babbles pointing to his water. I pick it up putting the straw near his lush lips.

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