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Athena Elle Carter

After dinner we went back to my place, we made out a little then Shawn left because he had to meet Andrew in the morning.

I decided to go check on Leon's apartment, I grabbed the keys and walked in. I'd been here before so I was familiar with it. I opened the curtain, watered the plants, checked the electricity was working and all. I sat down on his huge brown sofa for a while and I just closed my eyes.

Me and Shawn were good together right? My mind was flashing back to all the fights we had over my family, friends, exes and us. I couldn't comprehend how childish we were or maybe it was just me.

But now we've grown up, had events that have changed us, we're mature and I hoped we wouldn't argue for a long time. I wanted us to last, I'm done looking around. I want him and that's all.

I was soon interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Where are you? I'm at your place
Door was open
There's a letter here for you x

I was just checking on Leon's place
I'll be there in a minute

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and checked his apartment one more time then I left going straight in to my apartment to see Shawn sat down.

"Hi" I walk behind the sofa and hug him from behind. He leans his head back and pecks my lips. "Hi gorgeous"

I move away from him and go to sit beside him. "You look tired" I chuckle. He lets out a yawn then faces me, his eyes were droopy and cheeks were a warm pink.

"I am, I was up all night. I had a melody stuck in my head so I was trying to write lyrics that went along with it. Then I FaceTimed Teddy asking if she could help me, stayed up till six. Got two hours sleep because Andrew called me at eight asking to meet to talk about more shows" he explains, slowly and calmly.

"Come here" I shuffle to the end of the sofa and pat my lap. He takes his shoes and jacket off then lays his head in my lap and stretches his legs out.

I put a hand in his hair gently running my fingers through his curls. "Tell me something, just talk to me" he mumbles.

"So I can bore you to death?" I chuckle leaning back a little. "I just wanna hear you speak darling" he takes my hand holding it in his.

"Okay well I've decided to not work for a while. It sounds like a bad idea but it's not. I'll have more time to do things like reinvent my apartment, go away and more time with you"

"With me? What're we going to do? He asks.

"We could sleep all day, then in the afternoon you could play me the guitar whilst I make us food. We could stay in bed all day even, maybe have baths together. Or we could go somewhere, like to France. Drink wine all day and eat fancy cheese, walk around holding hands and kissing, dance in the street to one of those buskers" I was smiling as I said these words, I wanted them to be true.

I heard him snore a little. "And I'd tell you that I love you, I love you so much" I whisper. I lean down kissing his forehead. I was scared to admit it to him.

What if he didn't love me? It was too soon right? We've just gotten back together I don't want to ruin it.

I shook away my thoughts and leaned over a little and grabbed the letters on the table sitting back I began to open them.

Bills, cheque, bills, more bills and a letter assigned to me. I opened it carefully and an invitation fell out.

Hi Athena,
I'm getting married soon, December 11th. I'm not sure what to write really, I just know that three years ago you were there for me and I want to apologise because I was a shitty friend. I'm sorry for never calling or texting, sorry for ignoring your texts too.
So I'm getting married, to Ethan. He proposed and I told you I said no. So he tried again and I said yes. I want you at the wedding Athena and if you have a partner him/her too. Please, I want you to be apart of my 'big day'. Let us try again at being friends. It's killed me everyday that I ignored your texts that night, I understand if can't make it.
Love Lilly.

I felt hot tears run down my face as I read the letter. I sniffled and wipe my tears, I gently lifted Shawn's head getting up then placed a pillow underneath and a blanket over him. I grabbed my phone and went outside to the balcony.


"It's Athena" I say. "Oh my god, Athena! I've missed you so much" Lilly replies. I heard her sniffling a little.

"How'd you know where I lived?" I ask sitting down. "I sent it to your parents address so they must've forwarded it. Did you read the letter?" She asks, her voice sounded broken.

"I did. I'm sorry Lilly, for how I just got up and left and-"

"Please Athena song apologise. I was the shitty friend here, when you were here I barely made the effort with you and I take it all back. I'm sorry Athena"

"It's okay Lilly" I sigh. "Are you coming?" She asks.

"Of course" I let out a chuckle. "We need to catch up so bad"

"I know" she replies. "I have to go now Ethan's back but I'll text you, I'm still sorry Athena" she then ends the call.

I stayed sat outside despite how cold it was. I laid down and just looked up at the sky. I was making amends, I could do that. Lilly was the only one who was really there for me.

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