You weren't worth it

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I wanted to hold onto you,
Not because you were worth it.

I stayed by you,
Not because you'd do the same for me.

I helped you out,
Not because I wanted to see you grow.

I didn't care whether the street lamps on your street were brighter than mine.
Or whether the buds bloomed towards your land.

So when they told me to let go of your hand,
I held onto it tighter.

Because through the storm that was titled you,
I found my escape from the eyes titled them.

-written when it's not as easy to let go of fake friends, because words are easily spoken about actions never done.

#I really wanted to write this, mostly because I see a lot of quotes and 'inspirational' shit about how to let go of fake friends and that it'll make your life easier. But it's not that easy. You can't let go of someone as easily, especially when you've spent years with them. It's only easy to say, whilst it's hard to  let go of their hand, when all you've ever learned is to hold it.

#I wonder if a lot of people feel the same way as me

#tell me if y'all have ever a friend you can't let go of. At least not yet.

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