Chapter one: Blake

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3:30 PM
"Thanks, babe." Sydney says as I push her bag into the storage compartment. After rearranging everyone's bag and finally fitting my own bag into the compartment I sit down in the aisle seat next to my girlfriend. We've been dating for about 2 years and I plan on proposing to her when we arrive in the Bahamas. I'm still so nervous. The captain's voice is heard over the intercom. He says the time for the flight is estimated to be an hour in a half. I looked at Sydney, the sun shown on her dirty blonde hair making it radiate. Her deep blue eyes glistened. The captain made his final announcement and the plane engine started to rumble. Sydney pulled the cover over the window and drifted to sleep with her head on my shoulder. I press my lips against her silky hair and begin to doze off.

4:15 PM
I awaken to a jolt in the cabin. The plane is silent except for the ding of the seatbelt sign getting turned on. "Just a little turbulence, folks. Nothing to worry about" said the captain over the intercom. I thought nothing of it until an ear piercing scream came from behind us. Sydney perked up. A middle aged woman with dark black hair, and a wrinkled forehead was having a full on panic attack behind us. "The wing!" She yelled "It's on fire!" This made other people start to panic. I looked at Sydney with a blank expression, she looked at me with a pale face. She tried to make out words but couldn't focus on anything except the woman. Just then, the entire cabin felt like it was shaken around by a giant invisible hand. A felt sick. More people started to panic. Cries were heard in the distance. The captain tried to speak over the intercom but the only sound coming from it was static. The cabin jumped again and again. Plastic cups and soda cans flew among the cabin. The lights flickered. My tray table flew open hitting me in the forehead. "Shit!" I yelled. Sydney clenched onto my arm and pressed herself into me. I closed my eyes and prayed this would all end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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