Chapter Thirteen: An Unexpected Twist

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          “Derick!” She cried out as she ran in my direction. I caught her in my arms, “What’s wrong, my love?” I tried to comfort her. Her tears began to soak my shirt, “They did it.” She whispered continuously. “They did what?“ The familiar face pulled Emma from my arms before she could answer.

          “Benjamin, please don’t!” She cried out. Benjamin? The blacksmith she had loved? Anger boiled deep inside me, “Do not touch my wife.” I growled. “Your wife? Has she not told you that she still loves me? It’s a shame that the one you once loved is now married to your brother.” He let out a maniacal laugh.

          “Don’t be fooled by him Derick.” Tears streamed down her face, her eyes pleaded with mine. “Braylene?” I scoffed, “I’m sorry Derick. You weren’t making me a queen... Daren said that he could.” She paused, “We married the day you told me that you were heir.” Tears stung at her eyes.

          My stomach sank, how could she behave so poorly? My own best friend had gone behind my back simply to be in line for royalty? Had she not known how lonely and unforgiving this life could be? I felt my muscles tense up when Daren stepped from behind Benjamin.

          “My own brother.” I whispered. “You made all us younger sons miserable Derick. You were given a gift and yet you trample all over it as if it were nothing. I’d kill to be king! I did kill to be king!” He yelled, running forcefully at me.

          “You ruined everything!” He slammed into me, causing me to tumble to the ground. “I’ve tried twice to get rid of you and this scum bride you’ve returned home with.” He fist connected with my face. “Now I’ll have to take it into my own hands.” He swung once more, and I quickly caught his hand in mine.

          “You killed our father.” I frowned; I was much stronger than he. I pushed him away, catching myself on my elbows. “You were supposed to get the second chalice of poison, yet that dunce of a squire dropped it. Then your betrothed servant Anya told you of the poison at your wedding. I’ll rid my kingdom of both you and her!” His words dripped with venom.

          “Make it fair!” Emma called out, “Duel in the arena tomorrow. One on one. If Derick wins then Benjamin and Braylene must leave.” She whimpered. “No, I’ll fight him.” Benjamin spat at me. “If I kill him, then Daren becomes King and you become the widowed queen who must step down.” He laughed once more. I jut out my hand to accept the agreement, and instantly my brother’s muscles tensed.

          I had no desire to have either blood on my hands, yet I had to keep Emma safe and protect our kingdom. This was an unfit place to raise our children if my own brother was attempting to murder me simply for power. Benjamin shook my hand and shoved Emma in my direction. I caught her to keep her from hitting the dirty ground, “Are you okay?” I cupped her face in my hands.

          Tear formed in her eyes once more and I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I love you Derick.” Her voice sounded broken. “I love you too Emma. Never forget that.” Suddenly reality had hit me, within a day’s time I could leave my sweet love heartbroken and alone. I had to give more than my all the keep her safe and happy.

          Perhaps I could convince my mother that this was the truth. Nonetheless, she deserved to know what caused her love’s demise. My façade had faltered; Emma stared at me in disbelief. “What are you thinking of?” I could see the pain in her eyes.

          “You, my dear. Just imagining our family.” I lied. My heart ached to tell her how afraid I was to battle with Benjamin. A blacksmith knows weapons much better than any other person around. Yet, I had fought in so many wars and had made it out alive. Could I not take on one man?

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