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"Thor I love you so so much!" I say "I-I just can't BELIEVE IT!" I say dancing around

He chuckles. "My queen I cannot stress enough at how beautiful you look." He says looking at me up and down.

I blush and my heart flutters. He's too much

"We are here love."

We walk onto the gorgeous balcony. I gasp as we walk onto the beautiful set up. There was a whole late night dinner for the both of us. The delicious smell filled the air and fairy lights were placed all around the scene. "Thor." I breathe.

I turn to him as he leans against the wall smiling. "Do you like it? I prepared it myself."

I run and give him the biggest hug. "I love you, Thor." I whispered in his ear.

"My queen you are more than I could ever ask for."

I take a seat and look down at the food and gasp, "My favorite. "

He chuckles "I knew you would like it."

"So, my husband, what would you like to talk about?" I say smiling over to him.

"How are you feeling right now? Tell me, what is going through your head?"

"I am going to be a queen, a wife, and hopefully...... a mother?" I ask looking over to him

"Of course you are!" He says beaming.

I smile so big and I felt so loved. I watch the sun as it sets and back over to Thor. He couldn't have picked a better time. He knows I love sunsets and I look into his eyes. His bright blue eyes.

He's mine. Forever.

"Now you tell me, what are you thinking?" I ask him.

"How did I get so lucky? Out of every woman in the land I was blessed with you. Everything about you amazes me my love. Your skin, your eyes, your lips, your cheeks, your hair. Your respect, your choice of words, your natural intelligence, your love for me, my people, my family.... I have never seen any other woman so...." He paused.


I blushed. "Nobody has ever told me such things and the same goes for you. On Glathrial the men where gorgeous and loving and perfect I-I loved them all but you, the feeling when I am around you I feel safe. I never want to leave your sight."

His thumb rubs the palm of my hand and I smile. We continue our dinner talking about Asgard and then Thor took me to the field to show me the stars, it was so magical. I had no words to express the feeling of being there. The soft warm breeze across my face and Thor's eyes shining, it was amazing. I watched the shooting stars go by and saw all the constellations in the sky. Thor could name every one of them, and it was so cute to watch him become a nerd.

The night went by and we eventually made it to the bed. There the magic happened and Thor made it even better.

/ / / /

The next day we presented ourselves to the king and queen. They were overjoyed and Frigga was the most excited.

"It's all I ever wanted for you two." She said smiling happily.

"My son." Odin started. "Soon to be a king, a husband, and a father. I could have never been happier."

"Thank you, Father."

He took me by the arm and were kindly excused. The king and queen had some meetings to attend and me Thor walked around in the garden.

"I cannot believe after all this time, I would be blessed with a man like you." I bend down to smell the flowers that were peaking out of the bushes.

"My Queen, you have no idea how over joyed I am."

I laugh as I turn to him. "When will the wedding be?" I ask as we kept walking.

Thor shrugs. "Weddings are usually in a month or two from the day they are proposed."

"I can see it Thor." I let go of his arms as I dance around in the beautiful grassy field. "I can see us having our dance and me in my beautiful white dress." I look up at the ginormous balcony. "I can see the day as if it happened already. Us being wedded."

Thor chuckles as he walks over and looks up at the balcony as well. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "You are gorgeous."

I laugh. "You are so handsome." We kept walking through narrow paths as the warm breeze flowed through each other's hair. I kept my arm wrapped around Thor's as we passed lakes and valleys. It was a quiet but also spiritual walk that gave us time to talk about the future and children.

"What will be your first order when you are king?" I asked looking up at him.

"Hm, my first order I suggest it shall be to lower the age requirements for our army from twenty to eighteen."

"Well then." I laughed.

"Yes, I believe that will be my first command." He thought looking up.

"And why is that?" I asked eyeing the lake that we were passing.

"The youth should have a chance to explore what they would like to do with their lives." He looks down at me. "At the age of eighteen they will know if serving Asgard is something they would wish to enlist in." He smiled looking down at me. "How about you, My Queen? What will be your first command?"

"I thought about if for some time and I think I would want to open more schools for the children of Asgard."

"How wonderful!" Thor beamed.

I chuckled. "Asgard barely has any schools for there children and education is important for a child." I explained. "I would also like to make visits to see the children's faces." I laughed.

"I love that very much, My Queen." Thor placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you. I cannot wait to start our future together."

"We have no idea what lies ahead of us, but I am thrilled to know that I will be taking it on with you by my side, My Queen."

"And I, you."

The End

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