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     I again woke up drenched in sweat, my hair was soaked and stuck to my neck from my fever that was getting worse. The towel that was randomly placed on my head had slipped next to me and was soaking my hair. The room was quiet except for the radiation of the dome that kept me stuck inside the middle of the room. My body ached as I tried sitting up but my eyes hurt.

I sighed and took noticed of the room I was in. It was dark and there was a window and a couple of tables and chairs. Other than that there was not much to than just me stuck in a golden incubator.

"Hello there lady y/n." Loki entered the room.
He walked over to me and looked down. "How are you feeling?"

"Horrible." I wine. "I am a Glathrial Loki."

He nodded and took a seat. "Lady y/n you must tell us how you can get better. The king and queen are worried about you."

I shrugged. "What is there to say? We get our sickness every year due to some imbecile radiation problem that was on our planet. Even though Glathrial was destroyed we are cursed with its sickness."

"There must be something we can do." Loki thought.

I looked up. "There is nothing you can do, only time is of the essence. We must let nature take control of relieving the illness. There is absolutely nothing you or any Asgardian could possibly do." I said. "The illness takes away the fulfillment of walking and any strength I might have." 

"Does it spread? Can you move back into your old chamber?" He asks.

I nodded. "The illness is simply for a Glathrial whom was born on the planet, it does not spread. I think it would be a grand idea to move me to my room."

"Thank you lady y/n, rest for now and I shall send Hali soon."

I heard him walk out of the room and I kept my body facing up. My throat hurt along with the rest of my body. I was hungry and thirsty with nobody to talk to. The bed that I was placed on was hard and made my back hurt.

"Y/n!" I heard as the door opened. Hali came around the bed. "Oh my my- look at you!"

I frowned. "This is not a situation I want to be in. Hali I feel horrible."

She looked at me. "It's going to be alright soon you will be going to move you to your own room, there you can find comfort." She placed her hand along the dome.

I tried lifting my hand and surprisingly was able to move it. "How come you never told me you were a Glathrial?" She asked taking a seat on the same chair Thor and Loki did.

"I thought it was not a big deal." I shrugged softly. "I came to Asgard to fulfill a new life when it fell."

"But you could have told us."

"I thought I could keep it a secret."

She smiled. "I am just glad you are alright."

I smiled and we spent the rest of the morning talking. Soon, the king and queen entered the room to explain to me what the next course of action was.

"Lady y/n you shall be moved to your room and placed in quarantine for approximately two weeks. There you will be aided with Hali and shall stay at ease in thy bed." Odin spoke with his staff by his side.

I nodded as I looked up at the king. There were doctors who surrounded me tapping screens and some were marveled at my illness and wanted to learn more. The dome opened and Asgardian warriors helped me to my feet as I waddled out of the room with them holding me. I took breaks in the hallways as I ran out of energy every minute.
We made our way to my room where Hali waited with a bowl of fruits. I was placed on my bed and maids helped me get comfortable. I already was starting to regain some conscious as I laid my head on a soft warm pillow. Sweat dropped down my neck and Hali dabbed it with a cold towel. I breathed heavily at the ceiling as I closed my eyes.

"Are you sure there is no antidote in all of the galaxys?" Hali asked moving the towel to my forehead.

I nodded lightly and let out a cough. "I am sure."

"I brought you some fruits." She said trying to change the topic.

"I saw, thank you."

She nodded. "I am looking foreword for you getting better." The sweating stopped and she took away the towel.

"Not as much as I am." I smiled. "How is everyone else?" I asked as she slowly handed me the bowl filled with mixed fruits.

She shrugged. "Everyone is well."

I took a bite of the sweet pineapple and it's juice filled my mouth. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back with joy. "Oh my goodness it is as if I have not eaten in years!" I laughed.

Hali giggled. "A little bowl of fruit always helps."

I nodded my head in agreement.

The sun started to set and radiated the room with a nice calm gold colour. Hali closed the curtains and turned on all the warm lights in my room. She set a fire as I had already finished eating. The feeling in my toes started to come back as I wiggled them underneath the blankets. Hali wiped off her hands as the spark turned into a flame and soon turned into a fire.

"Are you feeling tired?" She asked. "I could leave you alone for the night if you want?"

"I suppose I could read until I grow tired. Could you hand me that brown book over there?" I asked pointing over to the shelf.

She walked over and took it off the shelf trying to read the title. "Y/n, I cannot read this what language is it?" She asked handing it over to me.

"Glathrialin it has a bunch of old fairy tales and myths that I use to read as a child before sleep." I smiled running my fingers over the letters.

Hali smiled as she saw me happy. "Goodnight y/n." She held my hand.

"Goodnight Hali." I smiled.

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