Chapter 6-Pewter City and the Gym Leader Rocky

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The teens had arrived at Pewter City at last. The gorgeous city with rocks everywhere. As they walked, Sophie saw a Pokémon Center. "Hang on, let's heal up before we do anything else." She said. They walked inside and saw Nurse Joy. "Hello, and welcome to the Pokémon Center. Hand me your Poké Balls and I'll heal your Pokémon. Sophie, Sean, and Andrew handed her them. The musical noise played as their Pokémon were healed. Joy handed them back to the teens. The three walked out and went next door to he Poké Mart. They bought ten Poké Balls, six Potions, three Antidotes, and two Paralyze Heals. Then Sophie said "Let's explore a little bit. I need to get my foot checked out at the local hospital anyways. I think it's about five blocks." "If I ever find the guys who did this to us I'll punish them for hurting my little sis!" Sean said. Andrew nodded. "Although I think it's best not to go looking for troublesome people like that." He said to Sean. After about ten minutes of limping Sophie stopped. "You okay?" Andrew Asked, concerned. "I can't walk anymore, I'm in so much pain." Sophie said. She looked ready to cry. Sean gently picked her up. "I'll carry you there if you can't walk, don't worry about it." He said. "Thanks Sean." Sophie said. About seven minutes later, they were in front of a hospital, a large five story white building. Andrew walked up to a directory. "It says the Emergency Room is on Floor 1 in Area A, that's right I'm front of us, I guess we got lucky." Sean carried Sophie inside, Andrew close behind. They walked up to a counter. A woman stood there. "Ma'am, my sister, her ankle is hurt, it may be broken, can you help us?" Sean Asked. The woman nodded. "I'll get Doctor Yvonne." She said, smiling. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes walked in. "Oh my, she must be the one with the hurt ankle, I'll get her healed up immediately. Wait here!" Sean set Sophie on the stretcher and watched the nurses wheel her out of the waiting room. Sean looked upset. "She'll be fine, Sean. The doctors are healing her up as we speak. She'll be back to use in no time. So what's the matter?" Asked Andrew. "I'm just worried about her, you know, how she's dealing with being in a whole different world. It just be rough on her. Poor thing." Sean said. "She'll be fine, we are here for her. Now what else are you worried about?" Andrew Asked. "Well actually I'm also worried about those thugs, they make me nervous. They really hurt her this time, what if we bump into them again, and one of us gets seriously hurt. It just worries me." Sean Said. "It worries me too. But we'll see if they even show up again. They may not, you never know." Andrew said. Doctor Yvonne walked out, Sophie close behind her. "Your sister is all healed up. She's in tip-Top shape and should be able to walk perfectly." "Great, I'm glad your ok, do you need time to rest, or are you ready to go straight to the gym?" Sean Asked. "I think I'm ready to go to the gym." Sophie said, smiling. "Yes! Then let's get going!" Sean said, running out the door. "Hey wait up!" Sophie said, her and Andrew running to keep up. After running a while, Sean stopped in front of a building made of pure rock. "This is it, the Pokémon Gym. It's a rock type gym." He said. They walked inside. They saw a young man, around 27-ish, with brown hair, brown Eyes, and glasses standing on top of a platform. They saw a sign. It said "To battle the Gym Leader, a challenger must choose two Pokémon each." Sophie picked out Squirtle and Oddish. Sean picked out Bellsprout and and Nidoran Male. Andrew picked out Staryu and Bulbasaur. "Sophie, why don't you go first. Then Andrew will go, and then I will." Said Sean. Sophie nodded, and then walked up the stairs to the Gym Leader. He smiled at her. "Hello, I'm Rocky, the Pewter City Gym Leader. You must be a challenger. Then let's battle!" Sophie sent out Squirtle first. Rocky sent out Geodude. "Use Water Gun!" She called. The Geodude was taken out quickly and without a fight. "Go Onix! Use Bide!" Rocky called. "Squirtle use Water Gun." Once again the Onix went down in one hit. Then Squirtle started glowing. Sophie gasped. It had turned into an completely new Pokémon. She pulled out her Pokédex. "Wow! My Squirtle evolved into Warturtle!" She called out to her brother and Andrew. Rocky pulled out a badge. "Here is a Boulder Badge. Proof of your victory against me." She went to sit down. She watched Andrew beat Rocky and get his Bulbasaur to evolve into an Ivysaur. She watched Sean win and his Nidoran Male evolve into a Nidorino. Rocky walked over to them. "Your next stop should be Cerulean City. You have to walk through Mt. Moon to get there. Good luck Trainers."

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