Chapter 1

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Amalia was silent as she shuffled out of the dining room with her food, and a bundle of letters sent from Emelka. "Amalia, I don't understand why you won't just sit through a family dinner." Her brother remarked as she left

"Because, you and your fiancee are unbearable." She replied as she walked down the hall towards her room. She sighed as she entered her room and sat the food on her desk "Let's see what's happened in Emelka." She smiled as she opened a letter and sat at her desk.

Dear Amalia,
          I hope I'm not bothering you with these letters, but I thought maybe you'd want to stay in touch and its not like we can use some magic rectangle to talk to each other from super far apart. Anyways, Adami says hello and so does Alibert. Again I hope I'm not annoying you or anything.


Amalia smiled as she set down the first letter, the stack still had three more letters in it. She grabbed another one

Dear Amalia,
         I hope you're well, things in Emelka have been strange lately, a herd of Gobbulls stampeded the town the other day, everyone was hiding inside until Adami turned into a Gobbull and lead them away. Anyway, I hope you're doing okay.

          Yugo is lying, he used his portals on most of them, I only lead a couple out of the streets. -Adami

Amalia smiled at the letter. She knew Yugo wasn't the bragging type, and was glad he let Adami read his letters before sending them. She look
over at the remaining two letters, and grabbed another letter. This one looked like it was taken from a notebook or something

Your smile is like the morning sun, bright and beautiful. You're eyes make me smile, I wish I could say to your face, that you make me remember I have a place.

She smiled at the letter, but saw writing on the back.

Don't tell Yugo, I took this out of his journal. -Adami

Amalia laughed, and grabbed the last letter.

Dear Amalia,

           So Adami stole a page from my journal, he said he sent it to you. You probably thought it was stupid, I'm sorry, please don't hate me.


        Yugo's a dork, he's just embarrassed. -Adami

Amalia sighed, grabbed a pen and some paper, and began to write

Dear Yugo,

              I hope you understand, that I don't hate you, I could never hate you. You're a lovable dork. Perhaps I'll be able to come visit you sometime soon.

              Princess Amalia Sheram Sharm


Yugo sat quietly in his room, freaking out. "Yugo calm down, you know she's not gonna hate you." Adami laughed as he looked through Yugo's journal

"Please stop looking through that."

"Oh but all your poems about Amalia are in here."

"I can't believe you sent her one."

"She probably loved it."

"But what if she never wants to talk to me again!? What if she hates me forever now!?"

"How could she? You're impossible to hate forever."

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