"Seriously?" I asked.

"I'm kidding." He laughed.

"So what are you doing today?" He asked, following me up the drive way and I stopped because I didn't really want him too.

"Unpacking why?" I answered him.

"Would you like some help?" He nervously asked. "Because the mates and I aren't doing anything and-" he started rambling.

"Sure." I said cutting him off just so he would calm down. "Come over in like 10 minutes so I have time to change." I said gesturing to my attire.

"Right, okay." He said and walked off towards Luke's house.

I walked back inside the house rolling my eyes; I swear that boy is trying too hard. I ran upstairs and changed into a black tank top and skinny jeans. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and put my piercings back in since it hurts to sleep with them in. I walked over to my computer and put my music on shuffle, with music ranging from Iggy Azalea to Ellie Goulding, from Beyoncé to Calvin Harris, from All Time Low to Rihanna, from Katey Perry to Fall Out Boy, etc.

I started unpacking my suit cases full of cloths first and placing them in my drawers to my dresser. I was so involved with unpacking and listening to music I didn't even hear Michael and the guys come up. I turned around to find the four of them standing there and I almost had another heart attack.

"Hey America" Ashton laughed.

"Did you just call me America?" I asked him.

"Yeah that's going to be our nickname for you." He explained to me.

"Well okay then." I commented.

"So what would you like help with?" Michael asked.

"I don't really know what's in anything right now so I guess just opening those boxes there." I said pointing to the boxes next to them.

They started helping and we got to talking.

"So do you know when you're starting school?" Luke asked me.


"Do you have your schedule yet?" he asked me.

"Yeah" I said walking over to my bag on my desk and handed my schedule to Luke.

"Wow you're actually in a lot of my classes." He told me.

"Thank god, I don't know anyone."

"Yeah, don't worry I'll help you out. If you want I can give you a ride to school." He asked me.


After a while of unpacking I started looking online for a gym I could join and start training again. I found one that didn't seem to be too far away and I quickly started an email to the gym asking to join and giving them my contact information so they can call me.

"Hey America" Calum called me trying to get my attention, but I was too busy typing to notice.

"America!" Ashton yelled and threw a pillow at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you want to do with these trophies?" Calum asked me.

"Oh um..." I mumbled. I walked over to the box and looked through them, not actually quite sure what I wanted to do with them or where I was going to put them.

"Are all of these for gymnastics?" Luke asked.

"Yeah from competitions throughout the years." I explained to him. "I don't know where I want to put them; I don't have a lot of shelving space up here."

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