✰Six: Quit Implying I'm Gay

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I couldn't stop thinking about Luke all week. We were both avoiding each other in a way, because it was awkward between us. We weren't going to talk about the kissing, the stuff we did, and definitely not the cuddling. It would be one thing if we just had to see each other at school, but we live together. We have to be awkward around each other all of the time.

      My mom and Henry absolutely love Luke, he's basically their second child now. They might love him more than me if I'm being honest. They're super interested in Luke's dance stuff, and everything he has to say. At the dinner table, all they care about is him.

     "I bet the ladies at school love you. Girls love accents." Henry said, as he picked up his glass of Diet Coke. I rolled my eyes, when Luke giggled and nodded his head.

      "He doesn't care about girl's honey, he likes guys!" My mom reminded him. Oh yeah, I forgot they knew. Not that it wasn't obvious because Luke is like the human embodiment of a pride parade, but my mom blatantly asked Luke if he was gay, which I was mortified at.  Luke thought it was funny, and told her his whole gay life story beginning with Danny Phantom.

     "It's so cool that you guys are accepting, my dad would probably kill me." Luke said conversationally. I perked up at the mention of his real dad. He doesn't talk about his parents much. My mom frowned, and she reached out to grab Luke's hand. I rolled my eyes again.

     "Of course we're accepting! You're a great person, and that's all that matters." My mom said sweetly. Luke smiled, and he glanced at me. I broke our eye contact, and I ate some of my food. "Ashton? Why are you so quiet this evening?" She asked, everyone looking at me. I sighed, and I put down my fork.

      "I just didn't want to take away from Luke's spotlight." I snapped. Luke frowned, and he looked away from me.

     "Ashton Fletcher. You better watch that attitude." Henry warned, pointing his fork at me.

     "You can't tell me what to do Henry, you're not my real dad." I mumbled, as I stood up from my chair. My mom looked like she was about to smack me, and Henry looked shocked, but mostly hurt. My mom called after me as I left the room. I went upstairs, and I grabbed my phone.

      Me: can I come over

    Ellie😶: we broke up Ashton, I don't want to be doing the going back and forth thing

    Me: please

    Ellie😶: why do you want to come over

    Ellie😶wanna make out with me and stop right before we do anything else?

    Me: no I want to do more with you. We can still be broken up. Breakup sex to be exact

   Ellie😶: why on earth would I agree to that

   Me: because you miss me and I miss you

  Ellie😶: well my parents aren't home right now...

  Me: is that a yes? 😏

  Ellie😶: it's a yes


        I was on Ellie's bed, making out with her. I grabbed her boobs, on my own this time. She was under me, taking off my belt and undoing my pants. We had been making out for awhile, but I wasn't hard like I was with Luke. But this isn't about Luke. Ellie flipped us over, and she took off my pants and my boxers. I watched her as he stroked me, and then began to suck my dick. I don't know if it's a good thing if I was just thinking about all the homework I had to do.

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