dedede the name you should know

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Dedede is a PARTY boi. He loves throwing parties. They never get TOO crazy but it gets pretty wild sometimes. These parties are the only time him and marx get along. They always have a blast. Magolor and taranza stay by the snacks and drinks the entire time. Susie makes sure nothing gets destroyed.

They always drag the poor introvert, metaknight to these parties. He tries to hide in his room but it never works. someone ALWAYS drags him to it. He either hangs with taranza and magolor or just stays in the corner watching.

Of course he always throw these parties when kirby and bandana dee are asleep. Theyre really heavy sleepers so they never really wake up.

Dedede invites everyone he knows and almost all of them show up everytime.

Metaknight hates it so much. But it happens at least once a month.

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