Coming back to normal.

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Lance practically dragged Pidge bad to red, since her legs basically weren't working. He set her down in the back so he could fly them away. Once he had gotten them out of there, he put red in auto pilot so he could check on Pidge. She was slumped against the wall, staring at the floor.

"Hey" Lance said, his voice barely above a whisper "How are you doing?"

She looked at him with wide eyes, before returning her gaze back to the floor "Oh yeah.. I'm ok I guess." She started to fiddle with her hands, a nervous habit she picked up.

Lance sat down beside her, and gently grabbed her arm. The sight nearly made him sick. Her wrists were red and raw from the cuffs. "Sure. You're fine." His tone laced in sarcasm.

"Trust me I'm fine, really. It doesn't hurt. Plus, I've been through worse" she replied, yanking her arm back. 

Suddenly, Pidge stumbled towards the cockpit before falling into Lance's chair. He quickly followed after her and watched her pressed a couple buttons. Hunk's face then appeared. He started rambling about the planet they were on before realizing that Pidge was infront of him while Lance was standing beside her. Hunk started to slow down before just coming to a stop.

"You guys ok?" He said more like a question. 

"Yeah Hunk, we're fine. But you were saying?" Lance said

"Oh yeah!" Hunk said excitedly "wait why are you in red? I thought you left in green."

Pidge and Lance exchanged nervous glances before silently deciding not to tell hunk right now. 

"Oh yeah we had a..uh..dilemma" Lance quickly spat out. "Well tell you about it later" Pidge then added. She tried her best to sound normal but Lance heard her words slur together at the start of the sentence. 

They talked to hunk for the rest of the ride home, and when they got to the castle, they decided to wait for everyone else.

When the rest of the Paladins arrived, Pidge and Lance went to greet them. The others were slightly confused as to why Pidge was using Lance as support, but then quickly realized what happened and got her to a healing pod.

Hey everyone, wow I haven't posted in so long. Sorry it so was short. Lol I'm sorry I didn't mean to wait THIS long, but a while ago I got sucked into marvel and then I got Endgame depression and right when I was ready to right another chapter, Far From Home came along and the credit scenes killed me. Sorry for the rant, what I'm trying to say, is that I got really distracted. But I finally finished! Omg it took so long but it was worth it (I hope at least). Thanks for reading, and for the last time, goodbye!

Don't leave me, PidgeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang