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I'm now gonna post I page like one day, also 2 pages one day?!

When Pidge landed on Reonus, she was greeted by Oberus, the ruler of Reonus. Oberus was a tall, slim woman. She had cream coloured skin, orange and pink feathers on her arms, legs and some of them were on her face. She had eyes like Queen Luxia and she wore a brown top (that resembled a pirate top) that came down to her knees, with purple sleeves 

"Hello great paladins of Voltron. I am Queen Oberus, ruler of Antovil" she had a soft voice like an angel. 

Lance and Pidge bowed at the Queens presence.

"Please rise, almighty paladins. Antovil welcomes you." 

"Hello you majesty, I'm Lance, the pilot of the red lion" Lance said trying to sound charming

"Greetings your majesty, I'm Pidge the paladin of the green lion. With all do respect, we thought your planet was called Reonus"

"Yes paladin Pidge, our planet is called Reonus, but it is also called Antovil" she said, her voice gliding through the air 

"Interesting...." Pidge muttered to herself

"Well paladins Lance and Pidge, let me show you two to your room that you'll be staying in for the rest of the week. It's our best suite for the two of you. Follow me." 

Queen Oberus started walking and Lance and Pidge followed. They were outstanded by the scenery that they passed on the way to their suite. There was about 20 minuets of silence (except for Pidge and Lance muttering to each other about how awesome this place was) until they arrived. It was a big-ish igloo kinda building. 

"I am truly sorry paladins Lance and Pidge but we only have one suite. I hope you don't mind  sleeping together."

Pidge and Lance's faces started to heat up. In a couple of seconds they were both red in the face. Trying not to seem rude, Pidge replied

"Oh... eh.... don't worry...ehehe" She started to get embarrassed but tried to play it off cool

"Oh.. yeah.... no problem...." Lance stuttered after Pidge

Queen Oberus handed Lance a key and said 

"This is your room key. I guess I should leave you two to it, goodbye paladins"

"Goodbye, your majesty" Lance replied

When they went into their room they were in aww. Lance instantly ran to the massive window to look out to see their view. It was of a huge lilac ocean

"Pidge we're going swimming there tomorrow"

Pidge heard Lance but she wasn't awning over the view (yet). When they walked in the first thing you could see was a huge kitchen. (they would still be eating Hunk's food though because they don't know how to cook, let alone cook with alien supplies) with a big island in the middle. Then to the left was a wall with a door. Inside was a bathroom with marble counters, a sink, toilet and shower

"Wow I didn't know they used this stuff!" Pidge muttered to herself.

Then there was a bed. A king sized bed! Under the window that Lance was looking out of. Pidge then ran over to the window to see what Lance was looking at. She jumped onto the bed and stared out the window at the lilac ocean. 

"Woah! Lance we're so lucky! This place is awesome!"

All Lance was able to do was to nod. Pidge looked all over the room. There was a box at the door with a note. The note read:

Dear paladins of Voltron, this is your timetable for the week.


Monday : meeting at 7:30am 

Tuesday : nothing 

Wednesday : nothing

Thursday : meeting at 7:00am and ball at 6:00pm 

Friday : you can explore 

Saturday : you can explore 

Sunday : return. 

The box is your formal wear that you are required to wear to meetings and the ball. Feel free to take anything

~~~~ Queen Oberus

Pidge read the note outloud and when she looked away from the note, she saw Lance already opening the box and awwing at what was inside. 

"What, Lance what's in the box?" Pidge already started walking towards him and then he held up what she would wear and then what he would wear. 


Pidge took out her laptop to see what time it is.

"Lance we should go to bed now, it's 8:30pm! We have to get up at 7:00am tomorrow!"

"Oh, oh ok. I'll get dressed out here and you get dressed in there" he said while pointing at the bathroom (into pjs)





"What are we gonna do about only one bed?"

"Oh crap......share I guess"

Pidge's statement made them both go red. Pidge set an alarm on her laptop then climbed onto the bed and sunk into it. Lance followed and did the same. He then pulled the blanket up

"Pidge this bed feels so comfy and warm! I feel like I'm an a cloud"

"Yeah! It's soooo soft" 

 They then soon fell fast asleep wrapped around each other. 

I didn't like the formal wear so it'll be on the next page

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