3 // La Vie En Rose

Start from the beginning

She was apparently friends with mt Lady since they were together in every other picture on both of their accounts, so the friendship is clearly mutual and not one sided, like my past relationship.

My curiosity intensified so I searched her up on twitter and sure enough she had a twitter account as well and was even verified.

25 million followers? Why? For what?

I asked myself as I looked through her account. All her tweets were in English which just confirmed to me that she was a foreigner.

Honestly it was hard to tell who was and wasn't native Japanese anymore seeing a how people from all over the world moved to Japan in order to attend the schools here since they're considered the best in the world, that's not a brag about my country, it's just true. The people who end up moving here usually end up staying and putting down roots, this has been happening for generations upon generations now and Japan is a very diverse place because of it.

That and her Japanese is impeccable I really couldn't tell she was a foreigner. Thankfully I'm fluent in English so I can understand all her tweets, which were actually quite funny so I understood why she had so many followers.

Out of curiosity I googled her seeing as how I couldn't wrap my mind around someone so young having such a large following with a job that wasn't high profile or heavily in the spotlight.

She has a Wikipedia page?

Okay who even is this girl?

I skimmed through the other articles and they were all from five years or so ago talking about places she was spotted hanging out in and with who. The more recent articles were just speculative, no real stories.

I scrolled all the way back up to finally click on the Wikipedia page belonging to the pink haired girl. The main picture was of her but she had dark brown hair and a platinum white rogue streak towards the front of her hair.

There's no way that's natural.

All her information was there, her height, estimated weight, age, natural hair and eye color, her siblings, sexuality, and a list of people she's dated.

Guess the white streak is natural after all.

When I finally read the first paragraph it all finally clicked, why she had such huge followings on social media and how she was so well versed in the hero world.

Solaria Maravilla is a Mexican model and actress. She is the eldest child of Canadian stationed pro hero super couple Song Bird and Solar Flare.

Song Bird.... she's the number 2 North American hero and literally my favorite foreign hero.

how did I not know she had kids? Fake fan wow.

I quickly googled her father just to see where he ranked and sure enough he was the number 4 North American hero.

"Well at least now her large following makes sense. But why would she ever leave a life like that behind? Everyone I know would kill to have high ranking pro hero parents, it just makes everything easier. And why the hell is she working in business when she could still be modeling or acting? This girl is so damn weird." I said out loud as I exited her Wikipedia page on my phone.

You literally spent like an hour stalking her on social media yet some how she's the weird one?

"Ughhh! She's hot and has an interesting back story. Yep, I'm intrigued. I better get her number tonight." I said to myself as I walked over to my closet to pick out something she wouldn't be able to resist me in.

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