Chapter 1: Dil Howlter

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Chapter 1: Dil Howlter


Dil's P.O.V:

"Dil, Hurry up!" Dan said as I was in my room, looking at it for the last time.

Things has changed within the last 11 years... especially in high school. Many of the guys in school calls me a queer since my parents are just men, no mum. Dan told me that they have crappy lives and that I shouldn't retaliate but I'm not like my parents. No one wanted to get near me due to the sexuality of my folks. I then got a scholarship to Willow Creek college near the Lancashire woodlands and due to my issues in school, Dan and Phil decided to move as Willow Creek College is well known for its high GCSE students.

I agreed to move because it may be best if I can start over. Create a new identity and all that. So I left my room with my bags and Dan and Phil saw me. Phil smiled, Dan frowned a bit.

"Dil, you're leaving the house like that!" Dan yelled.

I looked down and I was wearing ripped short shorts. Dan has an issue when it comes to me wearing those shorts. I don't care if it's too short! It was the only reminder on who my real parents are! Yes... I'm searching for my real folks. Dan and Phil are great but I just want to find who they really are.

"Dan, calm down..." Phil said. "Those are his favourite ones".

"But they're too short Phil!" Dan said.

I went back with one of my bags and changed them to skinny jeans. The skinny jeans that Phil bought me when I was 15. I went out and Dan felt much better. We were now waiting for the moving guys to arrive and I was just looking out at the window, and there I saw one of the guys in school with his girlfriend. I gave a short sigh and Phil went behind me and patted me on the back.

"Is that the girl you used had a crush on?" Phil asked.

"Yup" I said.

Selena Scott, my lab partner and classmate. Our lockers are next to each other, we both have an interest on music but I'm still not good enough for her. Normally, people should be interested in me since Dan and Phil are my parents but apparently, since I'm the bully's plaything, no one wants to get involved or that I'm not hot as Dan or Phil. I'm basically still the only virgin in my grade since no one wants to be with me. Plus, people got the impression that I'm gay.

I'm not. I'm straight...

"There she goes... Along with the other f***'s in my life" I said.

"Dil, cheer up!" Phil said. "You will find that somebody".

Phil's P.O.V:

Dil has the impression that he doesn't want us to be his parents. When he was in year 8, we knew something's up as he just seems smug. But when he visited Liana one day for a jam session, me and Dan saw his journal and saw a list of girls names being crossed out. We also saw a bunch of entries that are really depressing. Most of them referring to him being called 'Dildo'.

Dil's full name is Dylan Howell-Lester. But in this case, Dylan Howlter, We told him that he will be called 'Dil' at home only but due to the gaming channel, Dil was his name to the people in school instead of Dylan. When he was in primary, he was really happy... like me. But when High school came, his world became like Dan's, sad and unsafe. He would normally go home with bruises of a black eye. Sometimes, he would go to Dan's wine cellar and take a sip even if we tell him a bunch of times that he's still underage.

Today is the day for Dil to start a new life. We are moving to Willow Creek. It's near Lancashire so this should be fun for us. But Dil is looking through that window, seeing the life he wished he had. He's probably imagining what it would be like if that girl was his. She's even beautiful as they both should belong together.

For now... I just want Dil to be happy. I don't want to see him upset. I gave him his llama doll and he gave it a hug. Then he hugged me as I can sort of figure out his emotions. That's what happens when you do a course of psychology, you can decode what others are feeling.

Dan then called us as the truck arrived. We all carried our bags down to the car and helped carry the boxes. We then looked at the apartment for the last time and it was really depressing as this was the apparent where almost everything began. But we have to move on.

Me and Dan held hands going down the stairs as Dil just looked around and closed the door when we left.

Dil's P.O.V:

I never knew this day will come but it just happened. I can't argue. But it will be good, I get to start over. I just hope that my happy ending comes along. I don't want leave London but I heard Willow Creek is great. I've seen photos and it seems peaceful.

"Goodbye apartment" I said as I looked at my llama doll.

I then closed the door and left. I was at the front doors near the van and there, Selena was staring at me. I gave her a wave but she didn't respond. Dan looked at me and he looked at her.

"Get in the van Dylan" Dan said.

I did what Dan told me and I looked through the car window. She was beautiful wearing that dress. Then beside her is her boyfriend, Michael. He made her walk away as I just sat in the car, feeling miserable. The car started moving and we see each house passing by.

We are finally doing it.... Leaving London. I just can't believe this is happening...

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