Ooh. My water had already broken. Yo, I'm so friggin smart, Einstein could never.

"Okay, I'll just communicate with the dolphins to let me help you deliver the babies. How far were you?" Dani asked before a dolphin swam up to her.

"Thirty-six weeks." I breathed out feeling exceptionally calm. It was like my demon fell asleep or something.

After a little while, I felt a slight pressure on my pelvis and bent slightly.


I covered my erect member as Dani stayed in-front on me, occasionally going under to see how everything was going. Bella stayed behind me and ran her hands over my shoulders and across my back.

"Ok, just be calm." I'm the calmest I've ever been in a year. "Why are the dolphins around us and swimming like that?" Bella kept her eyes on the mammals swimming around.

I closed my eyes and put my other hand on my left leg. This was oddly satisfying.

"They know when someone is pregnant. And especially when the time is near to deliver. They protect pregnant women the way they protect another one of their pregnant females because when certain animals detect blood in the water, you know what happens. And they help in almost pain-free birth-giving. They're fucking smart creatures." One of the dolphins nudged Dani and she rolled her eyes. "Fine, no cursing."

"yep, what she said." I adjusted my footing to open my legs further.

"Ok, whenever you're ready." Dani stayed infront of me.

I'm sure 20 minutes had passed already and I was about to think it was a false alarm when the dolphins nudged at us all. Clearly, they wanted to be the only assistance, but since the other two were there they always alerted us when it's time.

"Well, I guess you don't have much of a choice. When I go down, you push." Dani inhaled deeply then submerged.

I gave a series of pushes. An entire 12 minutes on the first one.
I gave an almost shaky exhale when that was done. There was no pain, but it was as if half my energy was exerted. Until I felt a nudge again and another amount of pressure. I actually felt like I was pissing myself.

Dani quickly waded out of the water and was met half-way by Deja. I'm assuming she carried the crying thing to my mom and wrapped it in a soft towel.

"ok, how you feeling?" She slightly yelled as she approached again. "Deja looks like she wanna flip because you're giving birth so soon and in the ocean." She laughed when she was closer.

I moved my hand from my member and gave a thumbs up then covered it once again. I really have one more child to push out. And those people really are growing concerned. Wow.

"Ohhh, just get. It, out." I muttered impatiently.

I was hearing sirens approaching already. The last thing I wanted to do was give birth in that hell hole. Bad enough that I have to take the newborns there because of the "medical" norm.

"Wouldn't you prefer to do the other one on the way to the ho-" I didn't give her a chance to finish that damn question.

"Nah, they're not here yet and I'm not having dry birth! These dolphins are the best midwives, period." If I felt any other way, it would be exhausted because my energy level was low. But I was still calm and pain-free.

"Ok, on three. One, two, three!" Bella prompted

This one hurt a tiny bit, maybe because I was tired. The dolphins swam a bit faster as I gave up mid-way, closing my eyes to inhale deeply. I pushed about 3 more times and Dani resurfaced with the baby and I laughed at that being over. I knew that I was gonna bleed more when I came out of the water, though.

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now