Mingi Having A Crush

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When he first met you

🎡 It was a magical experience.

🎡 Meeting this man who you had no idea would ever matter to you in about five minutes after you won a prize for your lover at the carnival.

🎡 You were your average high school student, had a few friends, had a significant other who you loved dearly, your grades were decent, and you had no enemies.

🎡 At least for now.

🎡 But back to the story, you were at the carnival with your lover and there was the test of strength.

🎡 They wanted to impress you, so they asked the score and beat it with ease.

🎡 Then here comes a tall, intimidating boy with bright red hair, asking to go next.

🎡 He beat the score without even trying and gave the smuggest look to you and your lover

🎡 “Maybe they’re not so strong after all”

🎡 You blew him off and went your own way with your lover, had a magical night

🎡 That is until you were at the ferris wheel

🎡 Just when you were about to complete your magical night, getting into the ferris wheel cart you get yeeted

🎡 Your lover is left on the ground and you’re already twenty feet in the air with a complete stranger

🎡 r/woosh? more like r/whoops

🎡 You were calm at first, know it was probably a mistake but then you saw the red hair and nearly flipped your lid.

🎡 He tried his best to explain but you beat him to a pulp with the stuffed panda your lover had won you.

🎡 Then the ferris wheel got stuck because of all the rocking you caused.

🎡 Thirty minutes it took to get down from there.

🎡 Thirty minutes of him explaining to you that he’s not a complete jerk.

🎡 After those thirty minutes, you had forgiven him yet wanted nothing more to do with him.

🎡 But he had lost his friends so you and your lover gave the tall boy a ride home and somehow exchanged numbers while being high on cotton candy.

🎡 Because that’s a lovely thing to be.

When he started liking you

🎡 He showed up at your house a lot because he was bored and his friends abandoned him down the street pretty often

🎡 You let him in and he just started to crash there more often than not

🎡 A few months go by and you start to see changes in not only Mingi but your significant other as well

🎡 They both start to be more distant

🎡 Then all the sudden you come home and the two are fighting so you pull them apart and tell Mingi to leave

🎡 But of course, he doesn’t leave without telling the truth of why he nearly beat your lover into a pulp

🎡 Supposedly, they had cheated on you.

🎡 Deep inside, you believed him. Yet you still told him to leave.

🎡 In fact, you told both of them to leave.

🎡 And leave they did.

🎡 A few days later a girl called your house, asking for your lover, and low and behold Mingi was right

🎡 The same day he came knocking back on your door and saw you sobbing your pretty little eyes out

🎡 So he gave you a hug you’ll never forget and watched movies with you all night long

🎡 The next day you woke up in bed and heard snoring and he was literally upside down on the couch

🎡 You tried to fix him but he ended up waking up and forced you to relax for the day

When he realized he loves you

🎡 The carnival was in town once again!

🎡 You refused to go when he asked if you wanted to tag along with him and his friends so he felt really sad

🎡 He chose you over his seven buddies and holy shih tzu were they shocked.

🎡 They all ditched the carnival and forced Mingi to ask if they could all hang out at your place.

🎡 Thinking there was only like four of them you said yes

🎡 Instant regret.

🎡 When all eight of them came bursting into your house like a bunch of wild giraffes on steroids you felt your heart shatter

🎡 And a vase did too but that’s not the main topic here

🎡 Of course, you guys had to play games, what type of unplanned sleepover would it be without them?

🎡 You played never have I ever, charades, seven minutes in heaven, tag, all types of games

🎡 Then it came to the game of all games, the game that can make, break, or shake friendships

🎡 Not Uno, you guys played that already and Jongho, the youngest of his friends, broke a plate

🎡 Truth or dare

🎡 At first, it was nice and simple, the truths were ice breakers and the dares were pretty funny

🎡 Then the crack- I mean fun started

🎡 The truths slowly became more and more suggestive and saucy, as did the dares.

🎡 When it was Mingi’s turn, of course, he chose truth to get himself out of doing something stupid

🎡 But alas, Wooyoung was his question giver.

🎡 “Would you rather beat up your crush’s ex or be just a fling and nothing more?”

🎡 He literally chocked on air as all their eyes darted to you

🎡 Yunho had to smack the air back into his lungs

🎡 And of course, you didn’t notice, this is 2020 what are you? God? You’re not Lee Woojin. (edit: we don’t associate with prisoners here, stan target)

🎡 He quickly answered “Beat up the ex” and moved on his merry way and asked a more child-friendly question

🎡 His friends stayed the night and gossiped like all hell, they all helped him with his confession.

Sorry for the super delay in updates, i’ll try to make them more frequent! :( but I would like to announce that requests are open to anyone who would want to make them! Just comment here and i’ll get to them! If you want it anonymous just private message me!

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