Ella rolled her eyes and interrupted Amelia. "Utter rubbish, Ames."

" I'll never get on Jack's right side if he thinks I'm mean."

"A, you are not mean. Everyone knows you don't have even one gene for the mean-trait! I do. I have enough, for both of us, probably for the whole world!" Her protective nature kicked in. "I am mean. But you are definitely not!"

Amelia corrected instantly, "You aren't mean!" She smiled at Ella. But that smile didn't last. "But I bet I will be off the trip."


"Because Jane will tell more lies. And I can't stop her from spreading lies, especially about me, or my character, or behaviour." Amelia looked truly anxious. "Anything I do, Jane will turn it around and make me look like a nasty, mean, bitch!"

"Well, you are still on the trip, despite Jane's antics." Ella grinned as she tried to rescue Amelia from the doldrums. "In any case if you told Ben that Jack has been a bully, Ben will lambaste him!"

"Lambaste him?" Amelia's lips quirked. She knew that Ella was trying to help her out of this mood.

"Yeah, I got that word from you last year. I was havering between clobber and lambaste! My vocabulary has expanded, due to you!" Ella smiled happily. "Great word." Amelia's grin widened and Ella continued, "You should have used your vast knowledge of language to confused that fool or used it to bamboozled that spiteful woman! See, I have paid attention to you, learnt lots of new words. I have used bamboozled over and over recently! So many fools in our town! And suits conversation with fools!"

Amelia chided lightly, "Not nice!"

"You know what, I think you should go on the trip, bamboozle, scandalise, and baffle them and create the right impression!" Ella encouraged with a cheerful cheeky smile. Ella laughed in delight, "Those shorts will certainly give Jack something to think about."

Amelia grinned. All her fantasies about her and him resurfaced. Now if only she believed in fantasies and dreams.

"You know what, Ames, I don't care what Jack said about your clothes for the trip. We are going to make sure that what you wear will rattle him to the core. Even that original fool..."

She blinked for several seconds as Ella's words sunk in. "Original fool?" Amelia rifled through her memory. Who was the original fool?

Bluntly, Ella said, "David!" She narrowed her gaze, every time she thought about David, her mood changes. This was the problem. And the problem is that she is not sure if she or he caused the issue between them! And today, it confirmed, she could hide from him, she knew she could avoid him, but it didn't stop her from thinking about him.

"Ah." Amelia noted unconsciously: Nothing to do with etymology!

Ella looked across at Amelia, she could see that Amelia was still confused by her recent statement. "All I am saying is, if the original fool, David, was rattled by you in lycra, it will rattle the new fool, Jack." Ella laughed. "And we also need to make sure that the colour of the other lycra stuff, suits you. You have an amazing figure. We just need to nudge Jack, that's all! A decent colour, and voila..."

Amelia snorted and interrupted, "Ella, this is a bicycle camp, not a fashion show." She was pretty sure that Jack would not be happy if she turned up as a model. And wandering around in fashion rather than suitable clothes, Jack would now definitely kick her off the trip. She was determined to be on this trip.

"According to the original fool!" Ella said with a grin, "There is nothing in the rules that says you can't have a cycle trip with style!"


Ella's grin grew. "Actually, it could be!" Ella winked at Amelia. Amelia was about to contradict Ella by pointing out that David already said that this trip was not a fashion show, but then she remembered that it would upset Ella.

Ella continued with a smile in her voice, "It doesn't say you have to have ugly stuff. You can wear whatever you want."

So Amelia changed the focus to Jack rather than David's view. "Jack gave us instructions. He gave us a list. I got it remember."

"Yes, but his list did not specify colour. In any case, you know the rest will get the latest stuff."

Exasperated, Amelia huffed, "I don't want to stand out like a sore thumb."

"You will, if you have ugly stuff!" Ella said bluntly. "Jane definitely will not have ugly stuff!" She looked over at Amelia as she thought about her next plan, "What are you doing tomorrow? Are you available?"

"Tomorrow?" Amelia signalled and turned into Ella's driveway. Amelia liked Ella's place. She bought land, a year before she arrived at the town, and then built her home. Not showy but confident. It was made of two 40-foot shipping containers and she used nearly 80 per cent recycled, eco-friendly materials to make her home. It really suited Ella. It also showcased her creativity and provided endorsements for her work.

Behind her two-shipping-containers-home, at the back of her section there was another container. Ella used it as her office.

"Yes. Time to head to Wellington and see what is available." Ella automatically unclipped the seatbelt. "I can drive us." Ella pointed out again, "You know the rest will get the latest stuff."

"Well, Jack's shop has all the latest stuff." Amelia, as per normal remained committed to the local shops.

"I guess that means that you don't want to go to Wellington." Ella grouched with confidence.

"We should support local shops." Amelia said with equally quiet conviction.

"You are so loyal, Amelia Peter!" Ella groused.

"And you are a loyal friend." Amelia smiled at her, "Thanks Ella."

"For what?"

"I was feeling sorry for me!" Amelia tipped her chin.

Ella shook head. "You don't do self-pity."

"I know, but I was feeling bad about this trip after that last meeting with Jack. But now, I think I can handle him. I am prepared." Ella nearly smiled, that is exactly Amelia. "Ben will be with me. I have read everything about the route." Ella grinned. Without doubt Amelia is back! Amelia said confidently, as she rehashed her argument, "I have the best fashion adviser, Ben has my back, Jane is nothing but a minuscule fly in the ointment, and I am really prepared for the trip!" Ella's grin widened at that statement, "I intend to enjoy this trip." She tipped her chin even further out.

"Good for you." Ella laughed. "I am really proud of you." Amelia smiled. "And, Ames, if that sly cow does anything, you tell Ben, ok!"

Amelia nodded.

Ella smiled as she murmured the words softly, "And if any fools do anything to ruin your trip, pour your water rations over their heads! And if that doesn't work, Ames, push them off the ferry on the way back!"

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