the one where you're going away without him

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"Do ya really have to go?" she had lost count of how many times her boyfriend had repeated those words since the moment her alarm went off in the morning, his arms wrapping around her in an attempt to make her quit the travel.

"Lex is gonna kill me if I'm not there, Haz" getting up on her tip toes, the girl pecked his lips when the singer started pouting, smiling "It's only a week, baby. I'll be back before you know it"

"Why can't I come with?"

"Because it's a girl trip? Because you have work? Because I don't want you around a bunch of single, young, interesting women?" the last part was a silly joke meant to light up the mood: she was going away for a friend's bachelor party in Italy while he headed back to L.A for a couple of business meetings, but after almost a month at home spending every possible moment with each other, none of them was taking the separation well.

"Wait, what's it yeh said about single girls again?" the smirk on his lips stayed there even when she slapped his arm "Hey, that hurt!"

"Good" giving him a hard stare, Y/N pulled back from the singer's embrace, turning around and busying herself with her phone, ignoring the low chuckle she could hear from her boyfriend "I'm not even gonna miss you. Won't have time for it"


"Nope. Lots of places to see, people to meet. You know what they say about Italian charm and all that. Might even find someone to teach me" it was a lie and they both knew it, but it got the girl what she wanted: before she could remind him they were at an airport and that it was practically a miracle he hadn't been recognized yet, Harry had pulled her to him, bending down so he could steal a kiss.

It started out sweet enough, a slow drawn of their mouths where they just tasted each other, his hands on her hips, pulling at the silk blouse she had chosen for the day while her arms wrapped around his neck, trying to compensate for the fact he was so much taller than her, but then Harry was pressing her back up against a sustention pillar, his body flush against hers as his tongue slipped past her lips, demanding as always as it took away her ability to breathe and to think clearly, turning the girl to mush right then and there.

"Harry..." her face was so hot from embarrassment when he pulled back so they could breathe, his lips sliding to the side of her neck to nib on the skin, and yet her voice sounded needy, her fingers digging into his hair.

"I know, kitten. Just lemme kiss yeh. Just wanna love on my girl" his voice dripped over her like melting honey, teeth sinking into the pale skin after that until she had to bite back on her own lips not to moan. Fuck, that would surely leave a hell of a mark, but then that might just be the reason why he was doing it.

Thing is, Harry loved to mark her up, the insides of her thighs were a testimony to the fact, and the girl loved it as well, but for him to be doing that right then and there, where they couldn't really do much more? To do that when she wouldn't have time to cover it up before boarding, just so she remembered who she belonged to? Boy, she had really pushed his buttons. She kinda loved it, if she was honest.

"You're going to call, right?" he was playing with a lock of strand hair now, eyeing her neck with a prideful look, watching it bruise "My phone is always with me, don't care what time it is. If you need anything, you call me, baby"

"I know, H"

"And if you can't get a hold of me?"

"I call Jeff. Or someone else on your team, until they get you on the line" having never had a good relationship with her parents, Harry was sort of all the family Y/N got, and the man was always reminding her he was there. Even if there were oceans between them, he always got her back, just as she did with him.

"Good girl" the praise made her blush again, so she focused on the cross necklace dangling on his neck instead of his prying eyes "Have a good time, love. Tell the girls I said hi when you get there and that if they try to set you up with some Italian blokes I'm banning them from my concerts for life, yeah?"

The remark had her giggling as he reached for his buzzing phone, cursing, probably because someone was reminding him it was time to go.

"Yes sir" she breathed out, brushing his hair out of his face "hope your meetings don't drag this time, baby. Now go, I know you have to"

"You're right" dangling his bag over his shoulder, the man reached down and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips for one last time before straightening his body up again "I'll see you in a week, kitten"

"I love you, H. Be safe" letting go of him never got easier, no matter how many times they said goodbye.

Considering that he always took her heart with him wherever he went, it never would. 

AN: vote and comment, please! xx

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