the one where he's sick

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His voice on the phone gave it away. She had drawn the short straw and ended up left with the graveyard shift at work, so the girl called him as soon as she closed shop, ready to ask him if he wanted free bagels for breakfast.

You see, normally, Harry would be out and about by 7 o'clock, so the fact that it took him a while to answer his phone was weird in itself, but the harshness on his words once he did made her really start to worry.

Naturally, she rushed home after that.

Which was good, since she found her poor boyfriend dozing off on the cold tiles of his bathroom when she got there.

"Harry? Baby, what happened?" kneeling beside him, the girl shook his arm, cooing when the pair of green eyes looked up at her "Come on, come 'ere. Let's get you up" turns out up was, in fact, sitting, his back to the cold wall as she stood in between his legs "You're burning up, Har" the touch to his forehead just confirmed what his bloodshot eyes and red cheeks were telling y/n.

"Feels like it" he breathed out, trying to give her a smile, but even that made his body ache "stomach doesn't like it" his voice was barely there now, and when he swallowed the look of pain in his pale face worsened.

"Have you been sick all night?" pushing herself up, the girl went over to the sink and filled a glass with water while looking through the drawers for some ibuprofen that she could give him.

"Felt off after I dropped you at work last night, but it was only a headache then" he took the water in tiny gulps, waiting to see if it would make him feel sick again "woke up in the middle of the night and..."

"I'm sorry, dimples. Here, take these" his hands were trembling when he took the tablets, and the man stared at her for a while as if his puppy eyes were about to make her say he didn't have to take it. Harry didn't like medicine, then. "Go on, baby, you'll feel better once the fever goes down"

"Wanna go t' bed. Wanna cuddle" the singer whined, pushing himself off the floor to brush his teeth as she rubbed his back, hating to see him so weak. It was the first time she got to witness Harry in a more vulnerable state and she was almost drowning in the need to protect him from everything bad in the world.

"Anything you want, bub." when he wrapped his arms around her his hold wasn't as strong, his face buried in her hair "Just let me go get you some tea and I'll join, yeah?"

"No. Just need to sleep it off. With ya"

"It'll be just a minute, Haz. Your throat will feel better. Should probably get you something to eat as well"

"No food, Y/N. Don't want it"

"You have to eat, baby. I know you are not hungry, but we need to get something in you" he should have yogurts and fruits, and she was gonna order some chicken soup for lunch as soon as he let her go so she could grab her phone (making it would be better, but she wasn't about to poison the guy when he was already feeling down). "Please? Can you try it for me?"

"Unfair" he seemed to have lost all his strength as soon as she pulled back the covers for him to lie down in bed, closing his eyes "fucking room is spinning"

"Just stay there, alright? You just rest, H" she sat beside him for a moment, kissing his cheek when he wrapped himself in the comforter.

Harry slept through most of the morning, managing to keep down the strawberry yogurt and the crackers she got him. Y/N laid there, wrapped around him as she had promised, knowing that sometimes he needed to be the little spoon, stroking his hair and checking for his temperature every now and again.

"You shouldn't be here" it was safe to say that those were the last words she expected to hear when he opened his eyes again, his head on her pillow "No! Wait, I don't.... don't mean it like that, silly. Don't wanna get you sick, is all"

"How're you feeling?" her heart was racing on her chest as she absorbed the fact she hadn't screwed up the best relationship she had had yet, that Harry was just being Harry and putting people before him once again.

"Better" he responded, curling a lock of her hair on his finger "Wanted to call you all night"


"Yep. Hate being sick, always have. Turns me into a whiny baby, I reckon"

"It's cute, actually" she had to come closer and peck his lips when he pouted, sickness or not "You should call me, next time, H"

"What if you get sick?"

"Then I'll get sick. Look, I've been dealing with sick days on my own for forever, and I don't want you to do that, like ever. It sucks. So next time, you call me, alright sir?"

"I will if you do the same, little love. Deal?"


AN: please, if you're reading these, send me some feedback (I'm dumb and I deleted the story by accident so this is a repost, but the next imagine will be up asap) love ya! xxx

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