Chapter 6

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On September first, Lily was having breakfast with her two younger kids when Harry entered the dining room in his robes.

"Morning," he said as he casually took a seat.

"Harry, where did you get the bad habit of coming for breakfast before you've showered?" Lily rebuked.

"I'm hungry, mum. Besides, I've brushed my teeth and for the first time, I don't have to be at school by nine like Abby and Dan".

"Alright. I'll be taking your brother and sister to school. You get showered and ready right after breakfast without taking your own sweet time as we have to make it to the station in two hours," said Lily.

"Yes mum", said Harry.

Just then, James in entered the room in his robes, took a seat and said "Morning". Lily rolled her eyes.

"James did you hear what I just said?"

"Yes, shower right after breakfast. No taking my sweet time", said James.

"Abby, Dan, say goodbye to your brother. You won't be seeing him till Christmas break", said Lily.

Harry was approached by his brother and sister who looked as if their Birthdays were cancelled.

"Bye Harry. I hope you have a nice time at Hogwarts," said Abby.

"Thanks Abby", said Harry as his sister emotionally pulled him into a hug.

Harry, I'll miss you," said a teary Dan as he buried himself into Harry after Abby had pulled away. Abby was in tears too.

"Well, don't cry. I'll write to you both as often as I can. And we'll be seeing each other in three months," said Harry who was fighting a tear himself.

Abby and Dan kissed their father goodbye and waved a last goodbye to Harry before leaving with Lily.

Harry came downstairs to see his father waiting for him in the hallway by his trunk "Is mum ready yet?"

"Almost, she'll be down soon," said James as he walked towards Harry, took his hand and fastened a bracelet around it.

It was an exquisite, thick, white gold bangle-like bracelet. The highlight of the bracelet was its gold emblem which was a circle shaped border with two interlinked squares inside of it. It was a bracelet that had been passed down from oldest son to oldest son in the Potter family for generations.

"You're giving me our family bracelet?" asked a slacked jawed Harry.

"It's a lucky bracelet," said James casually.

"But don't you need it then?" asked Harry.

James grinned. "I'll be alright. You'll be away at school so I figured you needed the luck more. Besides, it's tradition for it to be handed down to the next generation on their first day of Hogwarts".

"Thanks dad," said Harry gratefully.

"Be careful," said James, looking at his son with a fixed gaze.

"I promise I'll be careful with the bracelet," said Harry cheekily.

"I meant, be careful with yourself," said his amused father as he pulled Harry into a hug.

Harry was on the Hogwarts Express waving goodbye to his parents, Sirius, Remus and Mary. He had just heartily hugged both his parents and was torn between excitement over his new journey at Hogwarts and how much he was going to miss his family. He was a little disappointed that his brother and sister could not show up to send him off. On either side of him, Rigel and Max were waving their own goodbyes to the Potters, Blacks, Remus and Max's grandparents. Harry was glad that Remus was allowed to see Max off to Hogwarts. Both father and son were hardly allowed to see each other since Max's grandparents won custody of him.

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