Chapter 2

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The Potters lived at Potter Manor, a luxurious Manor, equipped with a swimming pool, library and a Quidditch Pitch. 

Lily Potter walked into the Potter Manor's Quidditch pitch where her husband and sons were engrossed in a game of Quidditch. She watched them play for a few moments and smiled at the fray of their bonding. There was James with messy black hair and hazel eyes who never lost his childish grin, something Lily secretly admired about him. There was almost eleven year old Harry who was his father's clone in looks aside from his green eyes which were his mother's. Last but not least, there was seven year old Daniel who was a right mix of both his parents in looks with brown hair and his father's hazel eyes.

"Boys, that's enough for today. Get down," she called out.

Being too engrossed in their game, it took a few seconds before James, Harry and Daniel noticed her.

"Can we please play for a little while longer?" father and sons pleaded with identical tones.

"The Ministry representatives are about to arrive for Harry's blood test," Lily pointed out. "Sirius and Remus will be here any minute with their families."

"Alright, let's get down, boys" said James.

The three Potter boys gracefully landed on the ground with their brooms, Daniel's broom being a smaller kid's broom.

"Race you inside, Dan," said Harry as both Harry and Daniel raced inside.

"I hate how they do a blood test before admitting a child at Hogwarts," said James.

"I know," Lily said understandably as she put a hand on his upper arm,"

"Still think it's a bad idea to move out of the country?" James appealed.

"James, our life is here and so are our family and friends. Besides, I love teaching muggle-borns and helping them the best that I can. You know ... since our kind is thought of by the government as not deserving anything," said Lily dejectedly.

James took both her hands in his.

"Lil ... things will better soon. I feel it. Tom Riddle can't be Minister of Magic forever," he squeezed both her palms reassuringly.

"I know you don't entirely believe that, but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better," Lily smiled appreciatively.

James and Lily walked into the house to find Harry and Daniel arguing.

"I won fair and square," said Harry.

"No you didn't. You're older and taller," said Daniel.

"That's not my fault,"

"It's not ..."

"Cut it out, boys," Lily rebuked.

"But muum," both boys protested but fell silent at Lily's glare.

"You missed all the fun, Abby," said Harry.

"I don't care for a silly sport, Harry," said Abby in a bored voice.

James and Lily smiled at each other in nostalgia as they recalled how Lily gave James that exact same line during their fourth year when he tactlessly asked her what she thought about the "great" seventeen Quaffles he scored.

"Except when dad plays, of course," Abby added as James kissed the top of her head appreciatively.

Nine year old Abigail (Abby) was James and Lily's middle child. She mostly resembled Lily with dark red hair and green eyes.

Two ministry representatives who introduced themselves as Parkinson and Caydrell were at the Potter Manor along with a healer. Joining the Potters were the Blacks and the Lupins. The Blacks consisted of Sirius Black, his wife, Mary and their son, Rigel. The Lupins consisted of Remus Lupin and his son, Max.

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