The Dance (Niall/Louis drunk)

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Hey guys! This is my first story! The reads on this particular story have been going up so stick around if you like it because I'll use the same characters and stuff! Okay that's all!

I was having a great time at the school dance. It was late into the night and my best friend, Cassidy spun me around once more.

"Hey Lacey! I haven't seen your brother." my other best friend Eleanor shouts over the music. I shake my head. "He already left with the other seniors." For some reason our school mandates that once students check into the dance they must stay til the end on the off chance a major accident happens and you know the school is liable or something. I don't understand it, but one of the senior privileges is that they can leave the dance on their own time and head off to their parties. And Liam has been bragging about it for a week.

Eleanor shakes her head. "I meant your other brother. You know your evil half." I look around the dance floor and sure enough, my twin is absent. "Why? Did you want to ask him to dance?" I chuckle. Eleanor blushes. Cassidy tugs on both our arms. "There's only 10 minutes left. I'm sure they'll turn up." So we get caught up in the moment and dance for the rest of the song.

Then a slow song comes on and Cassidy tells us she's going to request 'We Built this City' because it is her anthem. Eleanor and I both roll our eyes.

Eleanor and I start to make our way to the side, out of the way of all the happy couples. We both seem to notice Louis and his best friend Niall emerging from the boys bathroom looking happier then two people should when leaving a bathroom.

Louis nudges Niall towards us. Niall stumbles a little on his way over here. "Are they drunk?" Eleanor whispers to me. Niall trips trying to get to us. Finally standing in front of me he asks "Will you dance with me?" My jaw drops only slightly. I've known Niall since Pre-K. And since Pre-K, he has always been kind and sweet and way more popular then me. So you can imagine my surprise when his drunken self choses me instead of Eleanor. I manage to say "Sure. Love to."

We get to the middle of the room and Niall puts his hands on my shoulders, with enough room between us for the whole Harry Potter series. I chuckle. "We're not in middle school, Ni."

He squints at me, kinda confused. "Wow you are mighty drunk, aren't ya?" I say keeping my voice light. His usually baby blue eyes are very much glazed over. He's present, but not all there. It puts me at ease to think he might not remember this tomorrow. I move his hands to my waist. Then I wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers gently grazing his blond fluff.

It only takes a moment or so for him to suddenly pull me closer. We stop swaying for a moment. "Are you alright?" I ask softly. He looks back to me and nods. He wants to say something but can't seem to manage. Then we sway again. Louis and Eleanor have joined in, close to us, but not too close. Eleanor manages to shoot me a smile. I chuckle. "What is it?" Niall says close to my ear. I can smell the vodka on him, but not in a gross 'he's breathing it onto me kinda way' but in a 'he's too good a boy to know his limit yet kinda way.'

"Nothing. Just feeling good I guess." I say lamely. "I like when you laugh." Niall says pulling me to him once again. Our bodies pressed against each other. I keep one hand touching Niall's hair and move one to straighten his tie. "You do?" I ask. "It's pretty. You're pretty. Everything you do is..pretty." Niall drifts off. I stopped breathing at 'you're pretty.'

I guess I've always had this on again off again crush on Niall. Since high school Louis's friends and my friends all hang out, but I'm used to Eleanor and Cassidy fawning over Louis maybe I didn't really look to see if anyone was fawning over me. The idea seems unlikely. Seemed unlikely.

The slow song ends but Niall clings to me for a moment after. Or I cling to him, I don't know. He's drunk, I remind myself. We're just good friends. We always have been. We carpool and bond over music and get along, because of Louis.

Cassidy's anthem starts playing and she insists we join her for a dance. So I reluctantly let go of Niall. Then the girls and I dance until the music ends.

We file out and get out coats. I get mine on and wave goodbye to Eleanor and Cassidy. I look over to see neither Louis nor Niall seem to know how to put Louis's coat on and it's attracting the attention of our headmaster. I quickly jump in and help Louis into his coat. He laughs. "Stop. Behave now." I threaten under my breath. Louis immediately chuckles at my fierceness. It's very out of character for me. I drag Louis and Niall to our car. I guess I'm driving.

"Hey guys you almost forgot us." I sigh as I see who I can just about guarantee brought the alcohol. It's Louis football mates, Zayn Malik and Josh Devine. "You got to be kidding me." I say out loud. The boys stumble over to us, laughing loudly.

Louis is suddenly tugging on my arm. "Please Lace. Can they stay over? Please. Please. Please." The 4 of them are absolutely trashed and I don't want to drive them all home. Liam will be at his friend and co-captain Andy's all night and mom is a surgeon so God only knows if she'll come home tonight.

I turn and see Niall with his big puppy dog eyes. "Pwease Lace." he says sweetly. I sigh. "Get in." They all cheer and climb to the backseat.

It only takes 7 minutes to get home, but it takes 20 minutes to get them all situated in Louis's room. Louis in his bed. Zayn on Louis's couch. Josh on the floor.

And I'm about to make a bed for Niall when he starts to moan. "What is it? What's wrong?" I immediately start to panic. "I feel sick." he mumbles. I take a deep breath and bring Niall to the bathroom connecting mine and Louis's room. I sit him in front of the toilet almost instantly he heaves.

"It's okay, love. You're okay." I coo and rub his back. "I don't want you to see me like this." Niall says tiredly. "I'm not leaving." I say softly. He continues to throw up for about another five minutes before collapsing into my arms. I lay him down on the bathroom floor and get a cool cloth for his head.

I peak into Louis's room and it's pitch dark. "Lou?" I call out but no response. They're all asleep and I can't see how I'm gonna make Ni a bed. So I go back to the bathroom and help Ni stand up. "Mmhmm." he sounds out. "Come on, bud." I say as I bring him into my room.

"I'm sleeping here?" he questions. He climbs onto my bed. "Yes, just don't ever tell Liam. Got it?" I say. Niall nods slowly before sinking into my pillows. I go downstairs and get a glass of water. I hurry upstairs, hoping Niall hasn't fallen asleep yet.

I'm lucky because he seems to be sitting up and sniffing one of my throw pillows. "Whacha doing?" I ask slightly amused now that the other dipshits are in bed. "It smells like you." he says amazed. "Really? What do I smell like?" I say as I put the glass of water in Niall's hand. He gets the message and drinks. He shrugs. "I dunno. Good and sweet?" I chuckle. "You are full of surprises you know that?"

Niall leans back and closes his eyes. I take the glass of water from his hands and put it next to his phone, where there is a new message from his mom.

Did you get your dance with Lacey?

I love Niall's mum. I really do. I feel like the fact that she knew he was gonna ask me to dance must mean it meant something. Right? I guess I'll just have to test this theory out tomorrow.

AHH first one done! Hope you liked it! Sickfics are kinda my favorite thing to read on Wattpad :)

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