What you mean to me pt.1

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Lacey POV

Niall was sitting on my bed. He was staring at me in shock. The way I knew he would look at me once I told him. 

"I am so so sorry, Niall. I would do anything to take it back." I say. And I mean that. If I could go back in time and not hookup with Harry I would. Not really because I didn't enjoy it or because I didn't want to be with Harry in the moment, because I did. I really did. But I would take it back, because it hurt Niall.

"Lacey...I...I need to think about this...I guess. I don't know, is this us breaking up?" Niall stutters. I sniffle. "I hope not." I whisper. 

"But you waited months to tell me, why tell me now? To ease your guilt?" he says angrily.   

"Or trick me into doing the breaking up for you?" He continues. 

I sit down on the bed next to him without saying anything. As if the realization hits him all at once, "You're telling me, because he's coming home. To this house, and to you. And you're afraid it'll happen again." he says matter of factly. 

"No! Niall, it was one time. I would never do it again, I swear. I love you, Niall. I want to be with you." I say trying to hold back my sobs. He sighs. "I love you too...I'm just not sure we should be together." 

He stands up and grabs his coat. "Enjoy the holiday, Lace. We can talk again after New Years." He quickly kisses my cheek before leaving my room and my house. 

I lean back on my bed and cry. Loud ugly horrible cries. I have no idea what happens now. But I have a feeling it's gonna be a crappy Christmas. 

Harry's POV 

"I can't wait for this holiday, man." my dorm neighbor and friend, Ed says. I smile. "Yeah it'll be nice." Ed reaches for another slice of pizza. "So you're going straight to Liam's? Not gonna see your shit Mom?" I glare at him. "I only told you that because I was drunk, you gotta let it go." Ed shrugs. "I only asked, because I'm surprised he didn't wait for you. He left yesterday even when your last final is tomorrow." 

I reach for the pizza box and start to pull off a crust. "He put in to work at his old job and they had a shift waiting for him today. I don't mind. We spend a lot of time together. Two days apart won't kill us. He and Lacey are suppose to come pick me up tomorrow."  

Ed smirks. "The Lacey?" I run my hand thru my hair and clear my throat. "Oh don't tell me you forgot what you told me about her when you were drunk. That was a great night." Ed laughs. 

I look all around at the floor and ceiling. I have thought about Lacey everyday since I left for uni. One time she called Liam on the phone and he passed it to me, because he was sick of her talking. I thought it would be horrible, but she asked about my classes and seemed interested in my answers. She made me laugh like everything between us was fine. But was it? 

That night I felt really close to her, but she has a boyfriend. I feel terrible if I put her in that position. I've been desperate to talk to her about it. She's one of the few people I really connect with. If I lost her, I would be crushed. 

I think the very broken part of me loves her and would give anything to be with her, but the realistic part of me would settle for a healed friendship and to have her in my life. 

"Yeah good luck with that man." Ed says as he picks up the pizza box and stands up. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you after the holidays." I nod. "Yeah you too." I climb into my bed, feeling weird to have the room to myself. I have no idea what happens next. 

The Next Day: 

Lacey's POV: 

I am staring at the note Liam left me and trying to control my shaking hands. 


Picked up an extra shift. Take my car to get Harry, his stuff won't fit in yours. Have fun. See you both tonight. 


Bloody hell. 

Harry's POV

I had just packed my last bag when there was a knock on my door. It was my Resident Assistant, Adam. ( IDEK if they have RA's in England but go with it.) "Harry, your ride is here." he says brightly. I feel bad that he has to smile at parents picking up their kids all day. This Uni is so big, all parent or family pickup has to go through a line and they are not allowed to leave their vehicles or get out of the car. 

RA Adam and Ed help me carry my stuff to the car. It's just the essentials because I'll be back in 3 weeks. I see Liam's car almost immediately but as we walk closer I only see one figure in the driver's seat. I'm about to assume it's Liam, but a slight shift in posture lets me see a long brown curl hanging past her shoulder. 

"Oh bloody hell." I mumble. "Hiya!" Ed says. Lacey smiles. "Hi, I'm Lacey." She says trying to be friendly. "Oh believe me, I know." Ed says with a smirk. I elbow him. 

We sit my stuff in the backseat and I sit in the front.  "Alright, Harry you are all checked out. You'll get an email about when you can move back in." "Okay thanks Adam." Lacey smiles. "Enjoy the holidays, Miss Styles." Adam says. I am about to correct him, but Lacey rests a hand on my leg. "You too." Then we quietly drive off. 

"I'm sure you're wondering where Liam is." she says casually. I chuckle. "Just a bit." "He picked up an extra shift and I would have told you but I didn't know until it was already time to leave." I shrug. "That sounds like Liam." I look out the window. "I think it might rain." 

The sky is a dark gray. Lacey shifts in her seat. "Do you think we should talk?" I blurt. She squints. "We're talking." At the exact moment the sky opens up and huge raindrops started to fall on the car. 

"You called it. It's raining. This might be a slow ride." she says. She looks over at me. "You want to talk about your going away party." 

"Lacey..." I start. 

"Harry, I care too much about you to let this be weird." she tries. 

"I don't want this to be weird either, but I woke up and you were gone and then we didn't say goodbye. And I had no idea if you were like..okay. If you were angry at me or never wanted to speak again." 

"Haz, it's just the opposite. I was angry with myself." she says sadly. I force myself to exhale. "I...I made a choice. And despite how good it felt, I hurt Niall...and I hurt you. I am sorry." I sit back in my seat. "If you just want to be friends and never speak of this again...we can do that." I said trying not to sound upset. 

She was quiet for a moment. I thought she was just focused on the road because it was getting harder to see and slippery. But finally she says, "I told Niall yesterday." 

I look up at her. "What?" 

She sniffs once. "I just felt so guilty not telling him. It was building a wall between us, but he thinks I told him because I don't want to be with him anymore." 

I run my hand thru my hair. "You're the only one who can answer that, Lace." She smiles. "Yeah, I  know." 

We drive on and feel the wind blow the car a little. "I just think..." she whispers almost to herself. "A part of me wonder if he'll ever get it." 

"Get what?" I ask. 

"That I'm a little screwed up." she bites her lip to keep from crying. I sigh and put a hand on her leg. "I'm screwed up too. Bad childhoods and deadbeat parents..." I trail off. 

"Yeah, I know you are." She smiles. "I think that's what I let you in." she glances over at me and I glance at her, but before we can say anything else...

The car slips off the road and everything goes dark.

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