Bad Boy Image

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Jacob POV

Michael had a photo shoot today it was bad boy image and to be honest he looked so handsome oh my god I couldn't handle it just look at him he's so handsome

Michael POV

Ahh my baby is so cute when he thinks about me which I think it's cute

Michael: Babe

Jacob: oh your done already

Michael: yes I am

Jacob:ok well you looked handsome

Michael: Thank you

Somebody called Jacob name and he turned around then he ran away ...Michael wondered why he ran off

Jacob was hiding in a closet where no one could fine well expect for Michael cause vampires know

Michael: it's just me

Jacob: Sorry

Michael: Are you ok why did you ran

Jacob: Michael that's the ex I was telling you about

Michael: the one who out to kill you

Jacob: yes and The Who about to tell your Secret

Michael anger began to fill up once he said that

Jacob: but you have to pretend that you are not a vampire babe it's the only way not to get your secret out

Michael: Ok I can do that

Jacob: How you gone do that

Michael: Babe we can change our eyes

Jacob: so you gone change it to brown

Michael: Yes

Jacob: Alright

He changed his eye color to brown his natural eye color

Michael: ok let's go

They walked out and Jacob noticed his ex who came up to him with a machine

Vior: your boyfriend about to be expose if he's a vampire

Jacob: ok good luck with that come on babe

They walked off and Michael made the machine broke

Vior: What the hell is wrong with this thing

The machine kept messing up that he took it off and it exploded in front of him

Vior: dammit yo I just brought this

Then he realized everyone left and wonder where everybody went ...then the lights went off and he screamed trying to find a way out

Jacob POV

Me and Michael just made it home I didn't have time for my ex and Michael changed his eyes back to dark red

Jacob: ok that is creepy

Michael: Sorry everyone says that

Jacob: yea I know

He went to go take his jacket off and went to hang it up that's when Jacob was in his thoughts a little to deep

That's when his phone went off it was his friends asking if he wanted to hang out and he said Jacob went downstairs about to tell Michael but didn't see him so he left and met them at the mall

Jacob POV

I met my friends at the mall I saw Elijah and mike as well aye I missed them so much they are amazing I love them

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