Ten Dates

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Jacob POV

Me and Michael just went on our last date tonight it's been two months so far since he changed me and getting the hang of things but I really enjoyed tonight

Michael POV

Tonight was our last date and honestly I really had fun and had a good time with him wow never felt like that before in my life oh by the way if you don't know who Rebecca is ...She is/was my girlfriend but I find out that she was messing around with Tavior and that was after I changed Jacob but I'm over it

Jacob: So What now

Michael: give me til Tomorrow and I'll give you an answer

Jacob: ok well goodnight

Michael: Goodnight

He walked upstairs and got in the 🚿 then went to bed

Michael walked in his bedroom and ran the 🚿 vampires love taking hot showers then he dried off and put some night clothes on

He laid down in bed and went to sleep after a long date with Jacob

Next Morning

Jacob POV

I was sleeping good until Michael woke me up damn it's morning already

Michael POV

I came to wake Jacob cause I made my decision last night as I was sleeping

Michael: Hey wake up

Jacob: it's morning already

Michael: yep

Jacob: ok

Michael: I made my decision

Jacob: you did

Michael: yes and I'll give us a chance to be in a relationship...only if you promise not to hurt me or break my ❤️ I had to many of those and I don't want to deal with anther one

Jacob: ok I promise

Michael: you sure

Jacob: yes I don't break promises I keep them

Michael: ok

Jacob: so we're official

Michael: Yes we're official but can we keep it between us I want to wait for awhile until we tell everyone

Jacob: of course

Michael was glade that Jacob understood and now he has Jacob forever

Jacob POV

Now Michael has me forever and I knew what he wanted this whole time I just pretended that I didn't know when I really did and Jose has something coming for him

Michael heard everything and wonder what Jacob was going to do but he was happy that Jacob was his forever and now he doesn't have to do the things he did to his friends anymore

Jacob: yo Ej I need your help....yes it about Jose ....meet you there in ten minutes(he ended the call) Michael I'll be back

Michael: ok

He was out the door but he didn't know that Michael was going to follow him...he wanted to see what he was going to do with Jose

Jacob pulled up with Ej and saw Jose ....Michael was watching this whole time that's when Jacob caught him in a lie then I fight broke out between Jose and Jacob but Jose was the one getting the beating badly and Jacob didn't get touched

Michael was impressed that Jacob could fight

Ej: yo come on let's go the police are coming

He kicked him on good time and they got in the car and drove off .....Since Michael has speed he was already home and act like he didn't see anything

Jacob POV

I was so heated that I had to pull over Ej made sure that I was ok


I had to calm Jacob down cause he was pissed but honestly Jose deserved that specially after Jacob saved him from getting killed and this is how he do him this is why Jacob don't like being nice cause of this shit right here and I had to make sure his breathing was good

Ej: are you alright

Jacob: Yea I'm fine a little

Ej: you sure your breathing

Jacob: yes I'm fine ... I'll be alright just give me a minute or two

Ej: ok

Jacob started the car and took Ej home after what just happened

Ej: well see you soon

Jacob: Alright

Before he got out the car he told Ej

Jacob: Thanks

Ej: your welcome well goodnight

Jacob: goodnight

He got out the car and walked in the house then Jacob went home that's when he seen Michael outside

Michael POV

I was impressed I didn't know Jacob can fight but Jose should've known it was coming that's when I seen Jacob pull up

Jacob POV

I pulled up and saw Michael outside so I got out the car

Michael: you feeling ok

Jacob: a little

Michael: Alright

Jacob: you saw what happened did you

Michael: Yes I did

Jacob: it's ok don't feel bad I knew you were gonna follow me

Michael was relived that he didn't have to feel bad about the situation

Jacob: I'm going to lay down I have a headache

Michael: ok go ahead

He went to go rest his head and Michael got back to working on the garden

Jacob walked upstairs and laid down to relax his head he didn't feel like answering the phone cause of what just happened so he just let it run

Adeya and Region wanted to know what happened cause they saw Jose bleeding to death and getting arrested by the police but he wouldn't answer

Jacob POV

My phone was ringing and I didn't feel like answering cause I have a headache and I don't want to talk to nobody ...maybe I should tell Michael to get rid of him for me and you know what I don't even have to ask I just want Michael to get rid of Jose for me cause I'm done with fake ass people ...Michael please get rid of him for me knowing that he probably won't hear me I'm going to sleep my head is killing me

Michael then stopped what he was doing once Jacob said that

So he closed his eyes and went to sleep cause he had a headache from everything that happened today

Michael called the gang and told the about this Jose dude ...Jose is about to get the worse punishment of his life or even lose his life

Once they were done with him ...they put him in the graveyard and Jacob heard it on the news and didn't even car at this point

Michael: He's long gone don't worry about it my love(kissed his forehead and went to sleep)

He turned the light and had falling asleep soon he hit the pillow

Next chapter is coming

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